Sunday, May 12, 2024

Honesty for Ohio Education Convention Reference Materials


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Join "How Things Work at the Ohio Statehouse":

These accounts regularly post calls to action, bill updates, upcoming events, and answers to common questions about Ohio legislative advocacy!

Ohio PTA’s Voter Voice: 

  • Sign up for action alerts

  • View Your Election Center

  • View and search for legislation


Click here for an INCOMPLETE list of incredible advocacy organizations in Ohio

Website Links:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • HOW TO search for a bill:

    • --> "Legislation" tab --> "Search Legislation"

      • You can search by bill number, sponsor, chamber, even keyword (keyword option isn't 100% effective).

  • HOW TO follow bills moving through the SENATE:


    • "Committees" tab

    • Click the Senate committees that interest you.

    • Contact the Chair of each interesting committee (click their picture for contact info).

    • Ask to be placed on the committee's "notice list"!

    • You'll get email updates about bills in that committee!

  • HOW TO follow bills moving through the HOUSE:

  • HOW TO find shareable bill descriptions ("bill analyses"):

    • Once you find a bill that interests you, click on it!

      • You’ll be taken to the bill’s page. 

    • Then click the “documents” tab.

      • You see the bill’s text is available for download.

        • Any time the bill has been changed or amended, they will upload a new version, so you can reach each one.

      • BUT below the text, you’ll see the bill’s ANALYSIS is also available!

        • The analysis is a plain English, bullet point description of what the bill will do. 

          • It’s written by the nonpartisan Legislative Service Commission (LSC). It’s wonderful!

  • Track the lobbyists — Visit the "Joint Legislative Ethics Committee" (JLEC) website to track Ohio lobbyists and see who they lobby for.

News outlets with especially strong Statehouse coverage (Not all of these require subscriptions, but they are worth a subscription if necessary!):

REMEMBER, you have real power to influence policy at the state level. You just have to use it!

Anything you do, any action you take, is likely more than was happening at the Statehouse before. That means your individual voice is very loud at the Statehouse level!