Saturday, May 11, 2024

National PTA Convention!


National PTA Virtual Convention











National PTA Announces Business Agenda

for 2024 Virtual Convention

During Level Up PTA 2024 Virtual Convention—Thursday, June 27 at 2 p.m. EDT—members of the voting body will have the opportunity to participate in National PTA elections and vote and debate live on proposed resolutions, resolutions amendments, resolution to rescind, bylaws amendments and the dues rate. All business along with information about candidates for elections is posted at in accordance with National PTA Bylaws.

Who Can Vote


If you wish to vote during the Level Up PTA 2024 Virtual Convention you will need to be selected as a state PTA delegate, unless you are already part of the voting body per National PTA Bylaws. You must register (including complete payment) for convention by 11:59 p.m. PDT, June 4 for your name to be part of the delegate selection process. 


Contact your state PTA to learn about the process to become a state delegate. All registrants are urged to add to your safe-sender list to make sure you will receive the email from on June 5.

Submitting Amendments to Proposed Business


Delegates must pre-file amendments to proposed business by completing this motion form and emailing it to by 5 p.m. EDT Tuesday, June 25. No motions will be accepted for consideration during convention after 5 p.m. EDT June 25. Members of the voting body interested in pre-filing amendments are invited to the following writing labs.


Writing Lab for Proposed Bylaws and Dues Increase Amendments

June 17 at 7 p.m. EDT

Join National PTA’s Governance Committee and parliamentarian to ask questions and get help writing amendments to this year’s proposed bylaws and the proposed new dues rate.

Register Now


Writing Lab for Proposed Resolutions Amendments

June 18 at 8 p.m. EDT

Join National PTA’s Resolutions Sub-Committee and our parliamentarian to ask questions and get help writing amendments to this year’s proposed resolutions.

Register Now

Learn About the Proposed Dues Rate


National PTA leadership invites you to join a live webinar Tuesday, June 17 at 8 p.m. EDT on how the proposed dues rate will support all PTAs, with Q&A. Register now. For more information, visit our Proposed Dues Rate webpage.

Important Dates to Remember


Tuesday, June 4


11:59 p.m. PDT

Convention registration deadline for individuals who wish to be selected as a state delegate


Monday, June 17


7 p.m. EDT

Writing lab for proposed bylaws and dues rate amendments

Register Now


8 p.m. EDT

Live webinar on how the proposed dues rate will support all PTAs, with Q&A

Register Now


Tuesday, June 18


7:00 p.m. EDT

Session on how the live debate and voting will occur during our virtual convention

Register Now


8 p.m. EDT

Writing lab for proposed resolutions amendments

Register Now


Tuesday, June 25


5 p.m. EDT

Deadline for all pre-filed amendments for proposed bylaws, resolutions and dues rate

Register NOW to Level Up Your PTA!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to power up your PTA with...

  • Tips and new ideas from fellow PTA leaders to help meet the needs in your school community
  • Insight from education experts on how to enhance your efforts in your community
  • Workshops that will transform your leadership and membership approach


Register for Level Up PTA 2024 Virtual Convention today!


📢 Register