Sunday, March 14, 2021

Gift Card Scams

Dear PTA leaders, families, and partners

Please be aware that there seems to be a rise in gift card scams. I have heard a couple of our units about this problem in the past week, so wanted to take a moment and bring attention to this problem.

PTA is not specifically being targeted by this scam, but I do think that scammers get officer names and email addresses from websites potentially. 

Anytime this happens, please contact the security team of your email provider to report the fraud.

Another thing that I have learned is to hover over a name to see what the actual address it is coming from because often these emails appear to come from people we know. I myself have come close to being on the receiving end of these scams as they can seem really convincing at first. 

Here is a link for more information regarding this subject. Please share this information with your members as communications from Ohio PTA only go to registered officers at this time.


Brandy Shaffer-Ohio PTA Administrative Coordinator