Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Team Up and Fundraise the Healthy Way

Source: National PTA One Voice Blog
(Sponsored Post)
“Finally! A school fundraiser that doesn’t involve selling sweets and treats.” This is a common refrain we hear from parents who are tired of the same old fundraiser  that promote unhealthy habits. Fortunately, now there’s a new way to raise more money for your school in a positive, active and healthy way.

Active Schools Fundraising is a new tool to help PTAs, school groups and booster clubs raise money online in support of a physical activity event. Whether it’s a walk-a-thon, fun run or other active event, you can use the online platform to invite team members and ask your friends and family for pledges of support.

With Active Schools Fundraising, your school or PTA group keeps 75% of all funds raised online and 100% of onsite fees, such as registrations or giveaways. There are no start-up fees or costs, so the up-front investment is minimal. That means more money going directly to support your school or PTA.

Interested in starting a run club? This spring, we’ve teamed up with Marathon Kids to offer an additional incentive to choose active fundraising for your next school fundraiser. Here’s how it works: If you register with Active Schools Fundraising by April 1 and raise at least $500 for a 25 member run club, you’ll be entered in a drawing for one of 150 sets of 10 Marathon Kids participant spots. Marathon Kids helps get kids excited about running by providing them with the tools, motivation and support to be active through run clubs.

It’s that easy. Active Schools Fundraising + Marathon Kids run club = a winning spring fundraiser!

Whether you use Active Schools Fundraising for a Marathon Kids run club or another active fundraiser, here are a few more helpful tips about Active Schools Fundraising:
  • For the spring fundraising season, the deadline to register a team is April 1, and you can hold your fundraiser anytime through May 30.
  • Once you create a team, you can customize your team page and add your own messages and photos, or use the messaging that we provide.
  • You can take advantage of special product discounts on equipment, curriculum and programs that improve wellness in your school—offered only to Active Schools Fundraising participants.
Ready to get started? Visit to register a team today and get your chance to win Marathon Kids participant spots!

Sample Social Media Messaging to Share with PTA Local Leaders

Active Schools Fundraising + Marathon Kids run club = a winning spring fundraiser! Learn more:

Raise money for your PTA the healthy way this spring with Active Schools Fundraising. Bonus: 75% of the funds raised go directly to your school! Register by April 1 and fundraise by May 30