District 4:
- Bauer Elementary PTA
- Greenmont Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Bobbie Fairfax PTA
- C. O Harrison Elementary PTA
- Oak Hills Elementary PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
- Whitewater Valley Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Alton Hall Elementary
- Darby Woods Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Grove City High School PTSA
- Holt Crossing Elementary PTA
- J. C Sommer Elementary PTA
- James A Harmon Elementary PTA
- South-Western Preschool PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA
- Slate Hill Elementary PTA
- Annehurst Elementary PTA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
- Westerville Special Needs PTA
District 11:
- Fairfax Elementary PTA
- Monticello Tiger Nation PTA
- Roxboro Middle School PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Giles-Sweet Elementary PTA
- Parkview Early Education PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Lakewood High School PTA
- Roosevelt Elementary PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
- Justin E. Rowland Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange High School PTA
- Berea Midpark High School PTA
- Brook Park Memorial Elementary PTA
- Brookview Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Birch Elementary PTA
- Maple Intermediate PTA
- North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- First Step Early Childhood PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- John Muir Elementary PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Early Childhood PTA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Parma High School PTSA
- Pleasant Valley Elementary PTA
- Ridge Brook Elementary PTA
- Shiloh Middle School PTA
- Valley Forge High School PTSA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Chapman Elementary PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
District 13:
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Green Primary PTA
- Arrowhead Primary School PTA
- Copley-Fairlawn Middle School PTA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Samuel Bissell Elementary School PTA
District 17:
- Kirtland Elementary Jr. Sr. PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Orchard Hollow Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Austintown Elementary PTA
- Austintown Intermediate PTA
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA
District 4:
- Bauer Elementary PTA
- Beavertown Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Cherokee Elementary PTA
- Bobbie Fairfax School PTA
- Bridgetown Middle School PTA
- C O Harrison Elementary PTA
- Clarence A Struble Elementary PTA
- Colerain Elementary PTA
- Colerain Middle School PTA
- Delhi Middle School PTA
- Finneytown Elementary PTA
- Finneytown Secondary PTA
- Harrison Elementary PTA
- Northwest High School PTSA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- Middview Middies PTA
- North Ridgeville ECLC PTA
- Avon Lake Early Childhood PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Columbus Africentric Early College PTA
- Cranbrook Elementary PTA
- Darby Woods Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- East Franklin Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Finland Middle School PTA
- Grove City High School PTSA
- Hayes Intermediate PTA
- Holt Crossing Elementary PTA
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA
- James A Harmon Elementary PTA
- Monterey Elementary PTA
- Norton Middle Schoil PTSA
- Richard Avenue Elementary PTA
- South-Western Career Academy
- South-Western Preschool PTA
- Westland High School PTSA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA
- Slate Hill Elementary PTA
- Sutter Park PTA
- Worthington Hills Elementary PTA
- Alcott Elementary PTA
- Annehurst Elementary PTA
- Heritage Middle School PTSA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
- Westerville Special Needs PTA
- Brooklyn Elementary PTA
District 11:
- Carylwood PTA
- Bedford High School PTSA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Giles-Sweet Elementary PTA
- Parkview Early Education PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Harding Middle School PTSA
- Horace Mann Elementary PTA
- Lakewood High School PTA
- Roosevelt Elementary PTA
- Charles F Brush High School PTSA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
- Justin E. Rowland Elementary PTA
- Sunview Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange High School PTA
- Smart Start EC PTA
- Solon Early Childhood PTA
- Bay Village High School PTSA
- Bay Village Middle School PTSA
- Westerly Elementary PTA
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Big Creek Elementary PTA
- Brook Park Memorial Elementary
- Brookview Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Birch Elementary PTA
- Chestnut Intermediate School PTA
- Forest Elementary PTA
- Maple Intermediate PTA
- North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA
- Pine Intermediate PTA
- Albion Elementary PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- North Royalton Middle School PTA
- Royal View Elementary PTA
- Valley Vista Elementary PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Dentzler Elementary PTA
- First Step Early Childhood PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTA
- Parma Early Childhood PTA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Pleasant Valley Elementary PTA
- Renwood Elementary PTA
- Ridge Brook Elementary PTA
- Shiloh Middle School PTA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Chapman Elementary PTA
- Edna Surrarrer Elementary PTA
- Helen Muraski Elementary PTA
- Strongsville High School PTA
- Strongsville Middle School PTA
- Dover Intermediate PTA
- Lee Burneson Middle School PTA
- Westlake Early Childhood PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
- Westlake Elementary PTA
District 13:
- Brunswick Early Childhood PTA
- Field Middle School PTA
- Betty Jane Elementary PTA
- Voris CLC Elementary PTA
- Barberton High School PTA
- Lincoln Elementary PTA
- Nordonia High School PTSA
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Echo Hills Elementary PTA
- Fishcreek Elementary PTA
- Indian Trail Elementary PTA
- Kimpton Middle School PTSA
- Stow-Munroe Falls High School PTSA
- Green High School PTA
- Green Middle School PTSA
- Green Primary PTA
- Arrowhead Primary School PTA
- Copley-Fairlawn High School PTSA
- Copley-Fairlawn Middle School PTA
- Tallmadge Elementary PTA
- Bath Elementary PTA
- Revere High School PTSA
- Richland Elementary PTA
- George H Dodge Inermediate School PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA
District 17:
- Hopkins Elementary PTA
- Henry Longfellow Elementary PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Orchard Hollow Elementary PTA
- Ridge Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Austintown Elementary PTA
- Austintown Intermediate PTA
- Boardman Center Intermediate PTA
- Stadium Drive Elementary PTA
Super Students & Proud Parents
District 3:
- Greenville Elementary PTA
- Greenville Middle School PTA
District 4:
- Greenmont Elementary PTA
- Hello Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Cheviot Elementary PTA
- Jane Chance Elementary PTA
- Independence Elementary PTA
- Kilgour Elementary PTA
- Shawnee Early Childhood PTA
- C O Harrison Elementary PTA
- Colerain High School PTA
- Finneytown Elementary PTA
- Greater Dater Comm Group PTSA
- Oakdale Elementary PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- Midview Middies PTA
- Avon Lake Early Childhood PTA
- Eastview Elementary PTA
- Troy Intermediate PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Clinton Elementary PTA
- John Burroughs Elementary PTA
- Central Crossing High School PTSA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Finland Middle School PTA
- Galloway Ridge PTA
- Grove City High School PTSA
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA
- James A. Harmon Elementary PTA
- South-Western Preschool PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Granby Elementary PTA
- Liberty Elementary School PTA
- McCord Middle School PTA
- Worthington Estates Elementary PTA
- Annehurst Elementary PTA
- Hamby Elementary PTA
- Mark Twain Elementary PTA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
- Whittier Elementary PTA
District 11:
- Brooklyn Elementary PTA
- Carylwood PTA
- Glendale Primary PTA
- Roxboro Elementary PTA
- Fairview Middle & High School PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Giles-Sweet Elementary PTA
- Parkview Early Education PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Harrison Elementary PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
- Justin E. Rowland Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange High School PTA
- Smart Start EC PTA
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Big Creek Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Forest Elementary PTA
- North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA
- Pine Intermediate PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- Valley Vista Elementary PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Center PTA
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Green Valley Elementary PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Shiloh Middle School PTA
- Kensington Intermediate PTA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Roxbury Elementary PTA
- Solon High School PTA
- Solon Middle School PTA
- Strongsville Early Childhood PTA
- Strongsville High School PTA
- Westlake Early Childhood PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
- Westlake Elementary PTA
District 13:
- Streetsboro Community PTA
- Betty Jane Elementary PTA
- Barberton High School PTA
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Echo Hills Elementary PTA
- Indian Trail Elementary PTA
- Kimpton Middle School PTSA
- Riverview Elementary PTA
- Green Intermediate PTA
- Green Middle School PTSA
- Copley-Fairlawn Middle School PTA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Tallmadge High School PTSA
- Tallmadge Middle School PTA
- Revere Middle School PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA
District 17:
- Buckeye Elementary PTA
- Hopkins Elementary PTA
- Kirtland Elementary Jr Sr PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Ridge Elementary PTA
- Royalview Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Westgate Elementary PTA
- Boardman Center Intermediate PTA
- Boardman Glenwood Jr High PTA
- West Boulevard Elementary
District 1:
- Elmhurst Elementary PTA
District 3:
- Triad Elementary PTA
District 4:
- Beavertown Elementary PTA
- Brookville Elementary PTA
- Kettering Middle School PTA
- Mark Twain PTA
- Miamisburg Middle School PTA
- Mound Elementary PTA
- Van Buren PTA
District 6:
- Erie Shores ECPTA
- Amelia Elementary PTA
- Ayer Elementary PTA
- Charles Spieldt Elementary PTA
- Covedale Elementary PTA
- Evendale Elementary PTA
- Loveland Elementary PTA
- Loveland MINT PTSA
- Mercer Elementary PTA
- Princeton Community Middle School PTA
- Springdale Elementary PTA
- Summit Elementary PTA
- Bridgetown Middle School PTA
- C O Harrison Elementary PTA
- Delshire Elementary PTA
- Finneytown Elementary PTA
- John Foster Dulles Elementary PTA
- Margaret B Rost PTA
- Miamitown Elementary PTA
- Montfort Heights Elementary PTA
- Oak Hills High School PTA
- Pleasant Run Elementary PTA
- Pleasant Run Middle PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
- Springmyer Memorial Elementary PTA
- Whitewater Valley Elementary PTA
- William Henry Harrison Jr/Sr PTA
District 7:
- Western Reserve Elementary PTA
- Avon PTA
- Keystone District PTA
- Midview Middies PTA
- Windsor Elementary PTA
- Avon Lake High School PTA
- Erieview Elementary PTA
- Learwood Middle School PTA
- Redwood Elementary PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- High Point Elementary PTA
- Royal Manor Elementary PTA
- Centennial High School PTA
- Colerain Elementary PTA
- Friends of CAHS PTA
- Westgate Alternative Elementary PTA
- Winterset Elementary PTA
- Alton Hall Elementary PTA
- Bolton Crossing Elementary PTA
- Buckeye Woods Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Finland Middle School PTA
- Franklin Woods Intermediate PTA
- Grove City High School PTSA
- J C Sommer Elementary PTA
- James A Harmon Elementary PTA
- Park Street Intermediate PTA
- Pleasant View Middle School PTA
- Stiles Elementary PTA
- Bluffsview Elementary PTA
- Brookside Elementary PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Worthington Park Elementary PTA
- Alcott Elementary PTA
- Cherington Elementary PTA
- Emerson Elementary Magnet PTA
- Genoa Middle School PTA
- Heritage Middle School PTSA
- Huber Ridge Elementary PTA
- McVay Elementary PTA
- Robert Frost Elementary PTA
- Walnut Springs PTSA
District 11:
- Bedford Heskett PTSA
- Central Primary PTA
- Columbus Road Intermediate PTA
- Cleveland Heights High School PTSA
- Oxford Elementary PTA
- Bluestone Elementary PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Grant Elementary PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
- Justin E Rowland Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange Elementary Community PTA
- Smart Start ECPTA
- Bay Village Early Childhood PTA
- Normandy Elementary PTA
- Berea Midpark High School PTSA
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Big Creek Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Titans ECPTA
- Chestnut Intermediate School PTA
- Eagles Unite PTA
- North Olmsted ECPTA
- Spruce Elementary PTA
- Albion Elementary PTA
- North Royalton ECPTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- Valley Vista Elementary PTA
- Falls Lenox EC Center PTA
- Olmsted Falls ECPTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Hillside Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Thoreau Park Elementary PTA
- Valley Forge High School PTSA
- Rocky River Goldwood Primary PTA
- Rocky River ECPTA
- Rocky River High School PTA
- Rocky River Middle School PTA
- Dorothy E Lewis Elementary PTA
- Orchard Middle School PTA
- Parkside Elementary PTA
- Bessie Kinsner Elementary PTA
- Strongsville High School PTA
- Whitney Elementary PTA
- Dover Intermediate PTA
- Westlake ECPTA
- Westlake High School PTA
- Westlake Elementary PTA
District 13:
- Medina ECPTA
- Brimfield Elementary PTA
- Suffield Elementary PTA
- Field High School PTSA
- Anne T Case Elementary PTA
- Betty Jane Elementary PTA
- Ellet High School PTSA
- Forest Hill Elementary PTA
- John R Buchtel CLC PTA
- Judith A Resnik PTA
- King Elementary PTA
- Litchfield Middle School PTA
- Miller-South Performing Arts Elementary PTA
- NIHF Stem High School PTSA
- NIHF Stem Middle School PTA
- Schumacher CLC PTA
- Windermere Community Learning Center PTA
- Barberton Elementary West PTA
- Barberton Middle School PTSA
- Ledgeview Elementary PTA
- Lee Eaton Elementary PTA
- Nordonia Middle School PTA
- Northfield Elementary PTA
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Highland Elementary PTA
- Woodland Elementary PTA
- Fort Island Primary PTA
- RBC & Twinsburg High School PTA
- Samuel Bissell Elementary School PTA
- Wilcox Primary PTA
District 17:
- Bellflower Elementary PTA
- Lake Elementary PTA
- Memorial Middle School PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Shore Middle School PTA
- North Elementary PTA - East Liverpool
District 18:
- Jackson-Milton Elementary PTA
- Liberty Community PTA - Youngstown
- Boardman Center Intermediate PTA
- Boardman High School PTSA
- Boardman Glenwood Jr High PTA
- Robinwood Lane Elementary PTA
- West Boulevard Elementary PTA
- District 19: Barnesville Shamrock PTA
District 3:
- Lagonda Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Meadowview Elementary PTA
- Milford Junior High School PTA
- Rising Stars at Vine PTA
- Silverton Paideia Academy PTA
- Van Gorden Elementary PTA
- Williamsburg Elementary Sr PTA
- Colerain Elementary PTA
- Crosby Elementary PTA
- Finneytown Secondary PTA
- Harry E Taylor Elementary PTA
- Northwest High School PTSA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- Avon Early Childhood PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Cranbrook Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Hayes Intermediate PTA
- Prairie Norton Elementary PTA
- West Franklin Elementary PTA
- Evening Street Elementary PTA
- Kilbourne Middle School PTA
District 11:
- Columbus Road Intermediate PTA
- Canterbury Elementary PTA
- William Foster Elementary PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Sunview Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Bay Village High School PTSA
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Brookview Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Birch Elementary PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Dentzler Elementary PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Parma High School PTSA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Strongsville Early Learning PTA
- Lee Burneson Middle School PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
District 13:
- Crouse CLC PTA
- East Community Learning Ctr PTA
- Ottis Hatton Elementary PTA
- Barberton Elementary East PTA
- Arrowhead Primary School PTA
- Copley-Fairlawn High School PTSA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Bath Elementary PTA
- Revere High School PTSA
- George G Doge Intermediate School PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA
- District 17:
- Chestnut Elementary PTA
- Fairfax Elementary PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Royalview Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA
- West Boulevard PTA
District 1:
- Stranahan Elementary PTA
District 3:
- Greenville High School PTSA
- Greenville Middle School PTA
District 6:
- Kilgour Elementary PTA
- Oak Hills High School PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- North Ridgeville EC PTA
- Avon Lake High School PTA
- Eastview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Metro PTSA
- Whetstone High School PTA
- Ridgeview Middle School PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Westland High School PTSA
- Worthingway Middle School
District 11:
- Carylwood PTA
- Columbus Road Intermediate PTA
- Noble Elementary PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Giles-Sweet Elementary PTA
- Parkview Early Education PTA
- Garfield Hts. Middle School PTA
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Harrison Elementary PTA
- Memorial Junior High School PTA
District 12:
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Center PTA
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Renwood Elementary PTA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Solon Middle School PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
District 13:
- Brunswick Early Childhood PTA
- Wadsworth Early Childhood PTA
- Rootstown Elementary PTA
- Streetsboro Community PTA
- Manchester Middle School PTA
- Harvey Firestone High School PTSA
- Sam Salem PTA
- Seiberling Elementary PTA
- Lakeview Intermediate PTA
- Green High School PTSA
- Green Primary PTA
- Tallmadge Middle School PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA
District 17:
- Kingsville PTA
- Hopkins Elementary PTA
- Henry Longfellow Elementary PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Canfield PTA
- Austintown Elementary PTA
- McGuffrey Raiders PTA
District 6:
- Summit Elementary PTA
- Williams Avenue Elementary PTA
- Colerain High School PTA
- Oak Hills High School PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- Lorain County JVS PTA
- Avon Lake High School PTA
District 8:
- Hayes Elementary PTA
District 9:
- Bright Elementary PTA
- District 10:
- Gahanna Middle School East PTA
- Metro PTSA
- Cherry Valley Elementary PTA
- Somerset Elementary PTA
- Devonshire Alternative Elementary PTA
- Indian Springs Elementary PTA
- John Burroughs Elementary PTA
- Brookpark Middle School PTA
- Prairie Lincoln Elementary PTA
- Heritage Middle School PTSA
District 11:
- Garfield Middle School PTSA
- Lakewood Early Childhood PTA
- Lakewood High School PTA
District 12:
- Berea Midpark Middle School PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Center
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA
- Olmsted Falls Middle School PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Parma High School PTSA
- Ridge Brook Elementary PTA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Solon High School PTA
- Lee Burneson Middle School PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
District 13:
- Harris Elementary PTA
- King Elementary PTA
- Rimer Community Learning Ctr PTA
- Richfield Elementary PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA
District 17:
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Orchard Hollow Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Canfield PTA
- Austintown Fitch High School PTSA
These 17 Units have earned all seven (7) incentive awards and receive the Emmy Award distinction!
District 4:
- Bauer Elementary PTA
- Greenmont Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Bobbie Fairfax School PTA
- Whitewater Valley Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Darby Woods Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Holt Crossing Elementary PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
- Westerville Special Needs PTA
District 11:
- Monticello Tiger Nation PTA
- Roxboro Middle School PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Roosevelt Elementary PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange High School PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Birch Elementary PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Maple Intermediate PTA
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA
- John Muir Elementary PTA
- Parma Early Childhood PTA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Parma High School PTSA
- Pleasant Valley Elementary PTA
- Ridge Brook Elementary PTA
District 13:
- Green Primary PTA
- Arrowhead Primary School PTA
- Copley-Fairlawn Middle School PTA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary PTA
District 17:
- Henry Longfellow Elementary
- Orchard Hollow Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Austintown Intermediate PTA
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA
District 4:
- Bauer Elementary PTA
- Beavertown Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Cherokee Elementary PTA
- Bobbie Fairfax School PTA
- Bridgetown Middle School PTA
- C O Harrison Elementary PTA
- Clarence A Struble Elementary PTA
- Colerain Elementary PTA
- Colerain Middle School PTA
- Delhi Middle School PTA
- Finneytown Secondary PTA
- Harrison Elementary PTA
- Northwest High School PTSA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
- Whitewater Valley Elementary PTA
District 7:
- Midview Middies PTA
- North Ridgeville Early Childhood PTA
- Avon Lake Early Childhood PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Heritage Middle PTA
- Cranbrook Elementary PTA
- Darby Woods Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- East Franklin Elementary PTA
- Finland Elementary PTA
- Finland Middle School PTA
- Hayes Intermediate PTA
- Holt Crossing Elementary PTA
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA
- Richard Avenue Elementary PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA
- Slate Hill Elementary PTA
- Sutter Park PTA
- Worthington Hills Elementary PTA
- Alcott Elementary PTA
- Annehurst Elementary PTA
- Heritage Middle School PTSA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
District 11:
- Carylwood PTA
- Roxboro Middle School PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
- Justin K. Rowland Elementary PTA
- Sunview Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Orange High School PTA
- Smart Start EC PTA
- Solon Early Childhood PTA
- Bay Village High School PTSA
- Bay Village Middle School PTSA
- Westerly Elementary PTA
- Big Creek Elementary PTA
- Brook Park Memorial Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Birch Elementary PTA
- North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA
- Pine Intermediate PTA
- Albion Elementary PTA
- North Royalton High School PTA
- North Royalton Middle School PTA
- Royal View Elementary PTA
- Valley Vista Elementary PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA
- First Step Early Childhood PTA
- Green Valley Elementary PTA
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA
- Hillside Middle School PTA
- John Muir Elementary PTA
- Normandy High School PTSA
- Parma Early Childhood PTA
- Parma Park Elementary PTA
- Pleasant Valley Elementary PTA
- Renwood Elementary PTA
- Ridge Brook Elementary PTA
- Shiloh Middle School PTA
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA
- Chapman Elementary PTA
- Edna Surrarrer Elementary PTA
- Helen Muraski Elementary PTA
- Strongsville High School PTA
- Strongsville Middle School PTA
- Dover Intermediate PTA
- Lee Burneson Middle School PTA
- Westlake High School PTA
- Westlake Elementary PTA
- Westlake Early Childhood PTA
District 13:
- Brunswick Early Childhood PTA
- Field Middle School PTA
- Betty Jane Elementary PTA
- Voris CLC Elementary PTA
- Lincoln Elementary PTA
- Nordonia High School PTSA
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Echo Hills Elementary PTA
- Fishcreek Elementary PTA
- Indian Trail Elementary PTA
- Stow-Munroe Falls High School PTSA
- Green High School PTSA
- Green Middle School PTSA
- Green Primary PTA
- Arrowhead Primary School PTA
- Copley-Fairlawn High School PTSA
- Copley-Fairlawn Middle School PTA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Tallmadge Elementary PTA
- Bath Elementary PTA
- Richfield Elementary PTA
- George G Dodge Intermediate School PTA
- Samuel Bissel Elementary PTA
District 17:
- Henry Longfellow Elementary PTA
- Mentor High School PTSA
- Ridge Elementary PTA
- Shore Middle School PTSA
District 18:
- Lacroft Elementary PTA
- Austintown Elementary PTA
- Austintown Intermediate PTA
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA
- Stadium Drive Elementary PTA
District 3:
- Greenville Elementary PTA
- Greenville Middle School PTA
District 4:
- Bauer Elementary PTA
- Beavertown Elementary PTA
District 6:
- Cherokee Elementary PTA
- Cheviot Elementary PTA
- Kilgour Elementary PTA
- Colerain High School PTA
- Oakdale Elementary PTA
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA
District 7:
- Midview Middies PTA
- Westview Elementary PTA
District 10:
- Clinton Elementary PTA
- John Burroughs Elementary PTA
- Darbydale Elementary PTA
- East Franklin Elementary PTA
- Finland Middle School PTA
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA
- Granby Elementary PTA
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA
- Slate Hill Elementary PTA
- Sutter Park PTA
- Alcott Elementary PTA
- Hanby Elementary PTA
- Pointview Elementary PTA
- Whittier Elementary PTA
District 11:
- Brooklyn Elementary PTA
- Roxboro Elementary PTA
- Roxboro Middle School PTS
- Fairview Park Middle and High School PTA
- Fairview Park Early Childhood PTA
- Parkview Early Education PTA
- Harding Middle School PTSA
- Lakewood High School PTA
- Greenview Upper Elementary PTA
District 12:
- Smart Start EC PTA
- Westerly Elementary PTA
- Grindstone Elementary PTA
- Pine Intermediate PTA
- North Royalton Middle School PTA
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Center PTA
- Roxbury Elementary PTA
- Solon High School PTA
- Chapman Elementary PTA
- Edna Surrarrer Elementary PTA
- Westlake Elementary PTA
District 13:
- Field Middle School PTA
- Lincoln Elementary PTA
- Nordonia High School PTSA
- Rushwood Elementary PTA
- Riverview Elementary PTA
- Green High School PTSA
- Green Primary PTA
- Herberich Elementary PTA
- Tallmadge Middle School PTA
- Tallmadge Elementary PTA
District 17:
- Kirtland Elementary Jr Sr PTA
- Henry Longfellow Elementary PTA
District 18:
- LaCroft Elementary PTA
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA
100 Club:
- Ayer Elementary PTA - D 6
- Cherokee Elementary PTA - D6
- Kilgour Elementary PTA - D6
- Milford Junior High School PTSA -D6
- Springdale Elementary PTA - D6
- Summit Elementary PTA - D6
- Van Gorden Elementary PTA - D6
- C. O. Harrison Elementary PTA - D6
- Colerain High School PTA - D6
- Crosby Elementary PTA - D6
- Oakdale Elementary PTA - D6
- Pleasant Run Elementary PTA - D6
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA - D6
- Avon Early Childhood PTA - D7
- Avon PTA - D7
- Midview Middies - D7
- North Ridgeville EC PTA - D7
- Erieview Elementary PTA - D7
- Learwood Middle School PTA - D7
- Westview Elementary PTA- D7
- Ghanna Middle School East - D10
- High Point Elementary PTA - D10
- Clinton Elementary PTA - D10
- Buckeye Woods Elementary PTA - D10
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA - D10
- Brookside Elementary PTA - D10
- Colonial Hills Elementary PTA - D10
- Granby Elementary PTA - D10
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA - D10
- Sutter Park PTA - D10
- Worthington Park Elementary PTA - D10
- Alcott Elementary PTA - D10
- Hanby Elementary PTA - D10
- Mcvay Elementary PTA - D10
- Walnut Springs PTSA - D10
- Whittier Elementary PTA - D10
- Brooklyn Elementary PTA - D11
- Roxboro Elementary PTA - D11
- Fairview Middle and High School PTA - D11
- Parkview Early Education PTA - D11
- Garfield Middle School PTSA - D11
- Harding Middle School PTSA - D11
- Lakewood Early Childhood PTA - D11
- Lakewood High School PTA - D11
- Westerly Elementary PTA - D12
- Grindstone Elementary PTA - D12
- Pine Intermediate PTA - D12
- North Royalton High School PTA - D12
- North Royalton Middle School PTA - D12
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA - D12
- Dentzler Elementary PTA - D12
- First Step Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA - D12
- Parma Park Elementary PTA - D12
- Parma High School PTSA - D12
- Thoreau Park Elementary PTA - D12
- Rocky R. Goldwood Primary PTA - D12
- Rocky River Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Rocky River Middle School PTA - D12
- Dorothy E. Elementary PTA - D12
- Parkside Elementary PTA - D12
- Roxbury Elementary PTA - D12
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Chapman Elementary PTA - D12
- Edna Surrarrer Elementary PTA - D12
- Strongsville Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Strongsvill Middle School PTA - D12
- Whitney Elementary PTA - D12
- Dover Intermediate PTA - D12
- Westlake High School PTA - D12
- Westlake Lake Elementary PTA - D12
- Otis Hatton Elementary PTA - D13
- Lincoln Elementary PTA - D13
- Nordonia High School PTSA - D13
- Northfield Elementary PTA - D13
- Rushwood Elementary PTA - D13
- Riverview Elementary PTA - D13
- Green High School PTSA - D13
- Green Middle School PTSA - D13
- Green Primary PTA - D13
- Tallmadge Middle School PTA - D13
- Bath Elementary PTA - D13
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA - D13
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Kirkland Elementary Jr Sr PTA - D17
- Mentor High School PTSA - D17
- Royalview Elementary PTA - D17
- Shore Middle School PTSA - D17
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Jackson-Milton Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA - D18
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA - D18
- Robinwood Lane Elementary PTA - D18
200 Club:
- Ayer Elementary PTA - D6
- Summit Elementary PTA - D6
- C. O Harrison Elementary PTA - D6
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA - D6
- Avon PTA - D7
- Erieview Elementary PTA - D7
- Buckeye Woods Elementary PTA - D10
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA - D10
- Garfield Middle School PTSA - D11
- Harding Middle School PTSA - D11
- Lakewood High School PTA - D11
- Grindstone Elementary PTA - D12
- North Royalton High School PTA - D12
- North Royalton Middle School PTA - D12
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA - D12
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA - D12
- Parma Park Elementary PTA - D12
- Rocky R. Goldwood Primary PTA - D12
- Rocky River Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Dorothy E. Lewis Elementary PTA - D12
- Parkside Elementary PTA - D12
- Roxbury Elementary PTA - D12
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Edna Surrarrer Elementary PTA - D12
- Strongsville Middle School PTA - D12
- Dover Intermediate PTA - D12
- Westlake High School PTA - D12
- Westlake Elementary PTA - D12
- Green Primary PTA - D13
- Samuel Bissel Elementary School PTA - D13
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Kirkland Elementary Jr Sr PTA - D13
- Royalview Elementary PTA - D17
- Shore Middle School PTSA - D17
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA - D18
- Boardman Ctr Intermediate PTA - D18
300 Club:
- C. O. Harrison Elementary PTA - D6
- Avon PTA - D7
- North Royalton High School PTA - D12
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA - D12
- Rocky R. Goldwood Primary PTA - D12
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Westlake High School PTA - D12
- Westlake Elementary PTA - D12
- Green Primary PTA - D13
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA D18
400 Club:
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls High School PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate School PTA - D13
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Westlake Elementary PTA - D12
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA D18
500 Club:
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Westlake Elementary PTA - D12
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA D18
600 Club:
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Canfield PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
700 Club:
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
800 Club:
- Falls Lenox Early Childhood Ctr PTA - D12
- Lagonda Elementary PTA - D3
- Bauer Elementary PTA - D4
- Cherokee Elementary PTA - D6
- Cheviot Elementary PTA - D6
- Milford Junior High School PTSA - D6
- Silverton Paideia Academy PTA - D6
- Williamsburg Elementary Senior PTA - D6
- Margaret B Rost PTA - D6
- Pleasant Run Middle PTA - D6
- Rapid Run Middle School PTA - D6
- Erieview Elementary PTA - D7
- Gahanna Middle School East PTA - D10
- Metro PTSA - D10
- Clinton Elementary PTA - D10
- John Burroughs Elementary PTA - D10
- Brookpark Middle School PTA - D10
- Buckeye Woods Elementary PTA - D10
- East Franklin Elementary PTA - D10
- Finland Elementary PTA - D10
- Finland Middle School PTA - D10
- J.C. Sommer Elementary PTA - D10
- Granby Elementary PTA - D10
- Phoenix Middle School PTSA - D10
- Heritage Middle School PTSA - D10
- Huber Ridge Elementary PTA - D10
- Mcvay Elementary PTA - D10
- Whittier Elementary PTA - D10
- Brooklyn Elementary PTA - D11
- Roxboro Elementary PTA - D11
- Roxboro Middle School PTA - D11
- Parkview Early Education PTA - D11
- Lakewood Early Childhood PTA - D11
- Lakewood High School PTA - D11
- North Olmsted Early Childhood PTA - D11
- Pine Intermediate PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Early Childhood PTA - D12
- Olmsted Falls Intermediate PTA - D12
- Greenbriar Middle School PTA - D12
- Rocky R. Goldwood Primary PTA - D12
- Rocky River Middle School PTA - D12
- Solon High School PTA - D12
- Strongsville Early Childho⁰od PTA - D12
- Whitney Elementary PTA - D12
- Dover Intermediate PTA - D12
- Westlake High School PTA - D12
- Anne T. Case Elementary PTA - D13
- Green Middle School PTSA - D13
- Tallmadge Middle School - D13
- RBC & Twinsburg High School PTA - D13
- Wilcox Primary PTA - D13
- Kirtland Elementary Jr Sr PTA - D17
- Shore Middle School PTSA - D17
- Jackson-Milton Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Elementary PTA - D18
- Austintown Intermediate PTA - D18
- Robinwood Lane Elementary PTA - D18