Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Celebrate the "T" in PTA



New public service announcement unveiled for K-12 Schools: 
“The Future Depends on Teachers”

Columbus, OHIO - The Ohio Department of Education, in partnership with TEACH, is excited to announce “The Future Depends on Teachers,” a new public service announcement campaign for K-12 schools, airing in time for Teacher Appreciation Week. It celebrates the role teachers play in shaping the future and invites people to explore teaching at a time when teachers are needed more than ever.

This is a hero moment for the teaching profession. The pandemic presented K-12 education in Ohio with enormous challenges. Yet, despite these challenges, teachers across the state innovated, improvised and ultimately rose to meet this new reality head-on. Teachers are not only essential workers; they are crucial to developing the next generation of leaders who will shape the world.

“The pandemic highlighted what we’ve always known: Ohio has awesome teachers. We just need more of them,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria. “I can’t think of many things that are more rewarding or significant than teaching. Each day, I am amazed at the incredible ways our teachers are supporting and encouraging students. Most of us are fortunate to leave an impact on one or two others during our lifetime. Teachers, however, are guaranteed an opportunity to make a positive impact on hundreds or thousands of lives throughout their careers.”

“The Future Depends on Teachers” will air on TV and radio to inspire future teachers to explore the profession, celebrate the hard work of current teachers, and elevate the teaching profession among the general public. The spots communicate teachers’ impact not only on students, but on society. The spots end with a call for viewers to explore pursuing a career in teaching as a way to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy.

Viewers who visit Teach.org automatically will be directed to a page about teaching in Ohio with links to the Department and information about certification, teacher prep programs and what it’s like to teach in Ohio.



TEACH is a nonprofit founded by the U.S. Department of Education. Its mission is to elevate the image of the teaching profession, reduce the teacher shortage, especially in hard-to-staff subjects, and improve the quality and diversity of the new teacher supply. The website at www.teach.org is a one-stop shop of free, valuable tools and resources to help anyone who is considering becoming a teacher. “The Future Depends on Teachers” is one part of a long-term multi-phase recruitment initiative to diversify the teaching profession and address our nation’s teacher shortage.

The Ohio Department of Education is a diverse team of passionate, education-focused professionals dedicated to fulfilling the vision established in Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education. The vision is, “In Ohio, each child is challenged to discover and learn, prepared to pursue a fulfilling post-high school path and empowered to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society.” Ensuring this vision for each of Ohio’s 1.7 million students, in partnership with more than 240,000 educators across the state, is no small feat. Under the leadership of the superintendent of public instruction and governed by the State Board of Education, Department team members, in collaboration with a wide range of partners, are sharply focused on helping schools and districts continually improve to be the best they can be for each child. Equity and impact are core to every program, service and action. The Department’s work is well regarded both in Ohio and nationally for its innovative, leading-edge and forward-looking approach. When the Department succeeds, students succeed, communities succeed and Ohio succeeds.
