Monday, December 21, 2020

Update on COVID-relief and Appropriations

Congress has reached agreement on a package that provides both
 COVID-relief and full fiscal year (FY) 2021 funding for the 12 federal appropriations bills.  Additionally, Congress passed  a new one-day extension that will go through midnight tonight (Monday).  That means that today, both chambers need to pass the legislation (possibly one bill that has the Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce-Justice-Science, and Financial Services bills and another that combines the remaining 8 appropriations bills and the COVID bill) and the President needs to sign it to keep government funding going as of Tuesday morning, or else there will have to be another extension of government funding to allow time for the bills to be passed and signed by the President.


  • For Labor-HHS-Education funding bill – Links to the legislative text and report are below.
    • Legislative text – the Labor-HHS-Education funding bill is Division H, and the Department of Education is Title III (starting on numbered page 1024, which is page 1032 of 5593 in the PDF)
    • Report language (“statement of managers”) – this includes description of the program levels and the conferees’ intent behind the funding.  The description of the Department of Education starts on page 111.  The funding table for Department of Education starts on page 179.
  • For COVID-relief bill – Links to the legislative text and report are below.
    • Legislative text – The COVID-relief appropriations is Division M, which starts on numbered page 1815 (page 1823 of 5593 in the PDF).  The education section starts on numbered page 1851 (page 1859 of 5593 in the PDF). 
    • (Attached) Section by section summary of the Labor-HHS-Education funding in the COVID bill.

Topline for education in COVID -relief bill:


  • $82 billion for Education Relief Funds
    • $818.8 million for outlying areas and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools
      • $4.1  billion for a Governors Emergency Relief Fund
      • $54.3 billion for an Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
      • $22.7 billion for a Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund