Friday, October 2, 2020

COVID-19 Clinical Studies

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University are enrolling for two new Covid-19 antibody treatment and prevention clinical studies in the Cincinnati area. The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and Johns Hopkins want to make sure older people who may have been exposed, essential workers, health care workers, home aides, and parents and caregivers of children who might be diagnosed as schools reopen know this trial is underway and how to reach out. Participants will be compensated.

This trial will help determine whether antibodies from people who have recovered from Covid-19 can help people who have either been recently exposed, or who have been recently diagnosed and have symptoms, avoid getting very sick. While other antibody trials are underway for people who have needed hospitalization, this set of two studies seeks to determine whether giving people antibodies earlier in the illness is effective at treating early-stage coronavirus and in preventing those exposed to it from catching the disease.


Community News: COVID-19 Clinical Antibody Trials in Cincinnati

You may be eligible to participate if you either:

A) Were tested for Covid-19 no more than 5 days ago and were positively diagnosed, still have symptoms, but haven’t been hospitalized

B) Were in close contact with someone who has Covid-19 no more than 3 days ago, but don’t have any symptoms

This new clinical trial will determine whether giving people antibodies is effective at treating early-stage coronavirus and in preventing those exposed to it from catching the disease.

Who: Individuals over age 18 who meet the criteria above. Additional screening details are available at

Where: Trials are being conducted on-site at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 231 Albert Sabin Way, ML0560, Cincinnati, OH—as well as locations in key markets across the country.

Will I be compensated? Yes. More details are available once you have contacted the investigators via the website or phone number below.

When: Enrolling now. If you think you’ve been exposed, or are newly diagnosed and have symptoms, contact Johns Hopkins at 888-506-1199 or – if too many days pass, you may not qualify to participate.

Do I qualify?: Call 888-506-1199, or visit to take the enrollment questionnaire. This study is entirely voluntary, and participants will be compensated.

Why does this trial matter? This is the first U.S. multi-center, double-blind, randomized clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of convalescent blood plasma as an outpatient therapy. Antibodies are one of the best options being tested for treatment and prevention. If this option is deemed effective, it would be one of the lower-cost options for treating and/or preventing coronavirus illness worldwide, compared to vaccines, which might be too costly for some populations and countries.