Wednesday, February 10, 2021

State Board of Education Passes Resolution Re-Affirming Importance In-Person Learning

Media Release

State Board of Education Passes Resolution Re-Affirming Importance In-Person Learning

Release Date: 2/10/2021

COLUMBUS - At its February meeting on Tuesday, the State Board of Education of Ohio passed a resolution to “Re-Affirm the Irreplaceable Role of In-Person Learning for K-12 Education in Ohio.”

Specifically, the resolution states that the Board calls on local school boards, working in collaboration with their local superintendent and health department, to provide where feasible a fully in-person, non-hybrid learning option for children of all families who desire it. The Board also urges local school boards to implement solutions to protect teachers and staff who are at high-risk and to provide for those families who continue to desire a remote learning option for their children during this time.

Click here to read the full text of the resolution.


Contact for News Media:
Mandy Minick at or (614) 816-4451

The Ohio Department of Education is a diverse team of passionate, education-focused professionals dedicated to fulfilling the vision established in Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education. The vision is, “In Ohio, each child is challenged to discover and learn, prepared to pursue a fulfilling post-high school path and empowered to become a resilient, lifelong learner who contributes to society.” Ensuring this vision for each of Ohio’s 1.7 million students, in partnership with more than 240,000 educators across the state, is no small feat. Under the leadership of the superintendent of public instruction and governed by the State Board of Education, Department team members, in collaboration with a wide range of partners, are sharply focused on helping schools and districts continually improve to be the best they can be for each child. Equity and impact are core to every program, service and action. The Department’s work is well regarded both in Ohio and nationally for its innovative, leading-edge and forward-looking approach. When the Department succeeds, students succeed, communities succeed and Ohio succeeds.