Monday, February 22, 2021

Navigating the "Paths to Success" from high school and beyond


Today, Learning Heroes, along with National PTA, Univision, and Remake Learning Days Across America, launches Paths to Success, a research-based bilingual resource aimed at helping parents of middle school and high school students prepare their child for success in high school and beyond - whether that path leads to a four-year college, technical program, or a job. 
Focusing on the transition years is important any year, but especially this year. Paths to Success includes a one-pager (print/digital) with 5 tips to help parents prepare their child for high school and beyond and includes numerous partner resources that answer many parent questions surrounding class choices, financial aid, and more.
We invite you to use our new Social Media toolkit to help share Paths to Success with your network. We also hope you can join us on February 25 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET, for a webinar to provide concrete strategies, insights, and resources that will help educators work with families and students as they transition into high school and explore the multiple pathways to success.