Thursday, April 18, 2019

Communications Corner

Communicating Clearly: April Awareness

The end of the school year is quickly approaching, and you are finalizing this year’s PTA activities and membership outreach. Do not forget… make a point (verbal or written) to thank your volunteers. Let them know their hard work is valued.
By now 2019-2020 officers have probably been elected. You are starting to update or prepare procedure books or thumb drives for incoming officers.
 If you attended convention last weekend, check out our Ohio PTA Facebook page for all the pictures I took throughout the convention. Look for your smiling face on our various venues.
Stay in touch with Ohio PTA through our many communication options.

Join the Ohio PTA H.U.B.

This closed group is accessible for PTA members in Ohio to share programs, ideas, and ask questions of Ohio PTA members. The Ohio PTA Help, Understanding, Best Practices (H.U.B) group can be accessed via the Ohio PTA FB page under the group link. Current Ohio PTA H.U.B. members are encouraged to invite their fellow PTA members to join. Group administrators will approve members (based on the response to three (3) questions and/or through invites of existing H.U.B. members) to maintain the integrity of this closed group.

Networking Matters!