Friday, October 15, 2021

Application Now Open: Groundwork 2022 Fellowship Cohort

Groundwork Ohio recently announced its third annual Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship cohort. The Fellowship will provide emerging early childhood professionals with essential training and support needed to enhance their leadership skills and talents. The Fellowship will inspire Fellows by utilizing a unique and engaging curriculum consisting of keynote speakers, online learning experiences, discussions with policymakers, networking opportunities, technical assistance, and small group projects. Upon completion of the program, Fellows will have a better understanding on how to be a successful advocate for themselves, infants and toddlers, families, and their community.

Groundwork is currently seeking fellowship applications from passionate early childhood professionals to include home-based and center-based child care providers, home visitors, child development specialists, child welfare professionals, early childhood mental health providers, preschool educators, maternal, infant and early childhood health professionals, higher education professionals, and more!

Applications must be submitted by 5 PM on November 5, 2021.