Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Year into the Pandemic: The Impact on Students and Parents


This Thursday, April 8, beginning at 1 p.m. ET, National PTA President Leslie Boggs will be participating in a discussion with Kate Snow, senior national correspondent for NBC News; Denise Pope, co-founder of Challenge Success and Stanford University senior lecturer; and Windy Lopez, vice president of content and partnerships for Learning Heroes. The conversation will focus on research National PTA, Learning Heroes, Challenge Success and NBC have conducted on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the social, emotional and academic well-being of students and their parents and what we can do to support them. The event will be streamed live on National PTA’s Facebook page. We encourage everyone to join us live on Facebook on Thursday for this important conversation. We encourage you to share the event with your communities too. 


Additionally, on Tuesday, April 13, beginning at 1 p.m. ET, National PTA will be conducting a webinar for PTA leaders on the findings from our recent poll exploring parent perceptions of learning during the pandemic, their greatest concerns for their children, and how they feel about academics and assessments given the unprecedented circumstances of the past year. To register to participate in the webinar, visit https://pta.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xRY_-Q2-T2GkhBosfpfV5Q. We encourage you to share the webinar opportunity with your PTA communities as well.