Monday, September 28, 2020

Reflections Theme "I Matter Because..."


Dear Reflection Chairs,

Ohio PTA is excited to kick off the 2020-2021 annual Reflections Program. The theme this year is “I Matter Because…”. I know it is a very unusual and stressful year and there have been questions if we are still having a Reflections Program. Yes, Ohio PTA is participating in Reflections. In fact, with many children learning at home remote we feel it is more
important than ever to have this program to encourage students’ exploration in the arts. This might be a great way to inspire students to try something new and participate in Reflections.

Ohio PTA has spent the summer updating our website and many of our systems. This should enable us to better communicate with you and in turn you with us. All of the Reflections material and forms are online at our website at Go to the Programs tab and then click on Reflections which will take you to all our information. The Reflections information includes: Student Packet, Official Rules, Local Leaders Guide, and Theme Search. We have also made a convenient tab for Mandatory Forms:
Student Entry Form, Unit or Council Submission Form, and Reflections At a Glance. It is important to stress that all forms must me completely filled out and signed where appropriate.

The process for sending your entries for all categories to Ohio PTA has not changed. All Reflections entries are due to Ohio PTA by Wednesday, January 13, 2021.  Please be sure each entry has a completed Student Entry Form for each entry. All forms must be filled out completely and signed by the student and parent if under 18 years of age, and attached to the entry.

We have been working on a process for the last few weeks to accommodate online entries for those schools with remote learning. It is a difficult process and needs to be able to accommodate schools as well as Ohio PTA, and interface with our current system. It is more important than ever that all forms be filled out and completed so we can accurately keep track of all entries. The Online Reflection Process is attached. This is new to us as well and it is our hope that this process with work efficiently and smoothly to help accommodate everyone’s changing needs.

We will be communicating with you throughout the year with updates. If you know of anyone that needs to be added to our Reflections Contact List please email Ohio PTA at with your updates. I can be reached at with any questions. This continues to be a challenging year but we are all learning to do things in new ways. We are excited for this year and look forward to helping you and your units have a successful Reflections Program.

Gerri Beres 
Director of Family-School Partnership, Ohio PTA