Sunday, April 30, 2023

Ohio Education Advocacy


Week of May 1, 2023
Honesty Champions, 

THANK YOU for protecting honest education across Ohio! With SO MANY harmful education bills moving in the Statehouse EVERY WEEK, we are sending weekly action alerts with specific ways to TAKE ACTION on fast-moving, high-priority bills.

Each weekly action alert includes three important sections:
  • TAKE ACTION - easy ways for YOU to help stop harmful, high-priority bills 
  • HEARING NOTICES - legislative hearings that you can attend or watch
  • NEW BILLS - new legislation impacting honest education
You can find these bills and hearings on the Honesty Legislation Tracker page.

🚨 PLEASE SHARE ðŸš¨ the WEEKLY ALERTS with students, educators, family, friends, colleagues, schools, orgs, groups, businesses, and neighboring communities. 


Stop HB 6 - Let Ohio Students Play! 
HB 6 bans transgender female students from participating on female sports teams in Ohio K-12 schools, colleges, and universities • Learn More


1) Tell the House Higher Education Committee to VOTE NO on House Bil 6!2) Show Up to the hearing on Wednesday to oppose the bill -- and share this GRAPHIC to help pack the hearing room! 

3) Support & follow LGBTQ+ organizations:  EqualityOhioTransOhio
Kaleidoscope Youth CenterLOVEBoldlyTrans Allies of OhioDiversity Center of NEOEquitas HealthTrevor ProjectHuman Rights CampaignThe Buckeye Flame

Stop HJR 1 & SJR 2 - Say NO to Attacks on Direct Democracy
HJR1 & SJR2 require 60% vote to approve any constitutional amendment; eliminate the 10-day cure period to gather additional signatures for an initiative petition proposing a constitutional amendment; require petitions proposing a constitutional amendment be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each Ohio county, instead of half of the counties • Learn More HJR 1 SJR 2


1) Attend the Day of Action Democracy Rally to reject these attacks on direct democracy! Wed, May 3, 12:30, Columbus RSVP HERE

2) Share this FLYER to help pack the Day of Action Democracy Rally 

3) Contact your legislator today urging a NO VOTE on HJR1 & SJR 2
Follow these bills and more on our Legislation Tracker 


Senate Workforce and Higher Education
Tuesday, May 2, 9am, North Hearing Room Agenda

House Bill 33 - Informal Hearing
State Budget for FY 2024-2025, establishes appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025 • Learn More

Invited Testimony:
  • Inter-University Council of Ohio
  • Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio
  • Broadcast Educational and Media Commission

House Constitutional Resolutions Committee
Tuesday, May 2, 9am, Room 18 Agenda

Senate Joint Resolution 2 - Opponent & Interested Party Testimony, POSSIBLE VOTE
Requires 60% vote to approve any constitutional amendment; eliminates the 10-day cure period to gather additional signatures for an initiative petition proposing a constitutional amendment; requires petitions proposing a constitutional amendment be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each Ohio county, instead of half of the counties. •  Learn More

Senate Education Committee
Tuesday, May 2, 3pm, South Hearing Room Agenda

House Bill 33 - Informal Hearing
State Budget for FY 2024-2025, establishes appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025 •  Learn More

Public Testimony:
  • School funding
  • Career-Technical Education
  • Mental Health and Wellness

House Primary and Secondary Education Committee
Tuesday, May 2, 4pm, Room 116 Agenda

House Bill 103 - Sponsor Testimony
Creates a Social Studies Standards Task Force (with appointees of the Governor, Senate President, and House Speaker) to develop K-12 social studies standards using the American Birthright: The Civics Alliance's Model K-12 Social Studies Standards â€¢ Learn More

House Bill 117 - Proponent Testimony
Removes retention provision in the Third Grade Reading Guarantee • Learn More

House Higher Education Committee
Wednesday, May 3, 10:30am, Room 17 Agenda

House Bill 6 - Interested Party Testimony, POSSIBLE VOTE
Bans transgender female student-athletes from female K-12 and higher education sports teams • Learn More

House Bill 98 - Opponent Testimony
Prohibits reduction of financial aid for private scholarship award

House Bill 27 - All Testimony, Possible Amendment, POSSIBLE VOTE
Requires state higher education institutions to provide financial cost and aid disclosure • Learn More

  Senate Session  
Wednesday, May 3, 1:30pm 

  House Session  
Wednesday, May 3, 2pm 


Senate Education Committee
Wednesday, May 3, 4pm, South Hearing Room Agenda

House Bill 33 - Informal Hearing
State Budget for FY 2024-2025, establishes appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025 • Learn More

Public Testimony:
  • Literacy
  • Learning Acceleration, Remediation, and Tutoring Support Services

Senate Workforce and Higher Education
Thursday, May 4, 9am, North Hearing Room Agenda

House Bill 33 - Informal Hearing
State Budget for FY 2024-2025, establishes appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025 • Learn More

Invited Testimony:
  • Ohio Association of Community Colleges
  • State Board of Career Colleges and Schools
  • Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools
  • Ohio Association of Career Technical Education

Senate Education Committee
Thursday, May 4, 11am, South Hearing Room Agenda

House Bill 33 - Informal Hearing
State Budget for FY 2024-2025, establishes appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025 • Learn More

Public Testimony:
  • School Choice
  • School Security

Follow these bills and more on Honesty's Legislation Tracker 


House Bill 157
Creates the Bureau of Hate Crimes in the Office of the Attorney General and authorizes the Attorney General to prosecute hate crimes
Introduced: April 25, 2023
Sponsors:  Reps Casey Weinstein & Anita Somani
Committee: TBD
Learn More

House Bill 159
Regards applied behavior analysis for certain children with autism
Introduced: April 25, 2023
Sponsors:  Rep R Scott Lipps
Committee: TBD
Learn More

Senate Bill 108
Establishes and regulates scholars residential centers
Introduced: April 18, 2023
Sponsors:  Sen Louis Blessing, III
Committee: Senate Health Committee
Learn More

Senate Bill 111
Establishes Urban Farmer Youth Initiative Pilot Program
Introduced: April 19, 2023
Sponsor:  Sen Paula Hicks-Hudson
Committee: Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources
Learn More

Senate Bill 112
Requires school buildings to comply with national life safety standards and to name this act the Ohio Childhood Safety Act
Introduced: April 25, 2023
Sponsor:  Sen Michael Rulli
Committee: Senate Education Committee
Learn More

Legislative Calendar HERE
Senate Committee Schedule HERE
House Committee Schedule HERE
Watch LIVE & Recorded Meeting HERE
Honesty Legislation Tracker HERE
Learn More to Do More
Visit the Honesty website to learn how you can help protect honest education across Ohio!

Friday, April 14, 2023


 Open government is good government. If the Householder/House Bill 6 corruption scandal taught us anything, it’s that we must shine a light on what is happening behind the scenes when it comes to the workings of our state and local government. It’s a huge plus that Ohio’s Sunshine Law means that many governmental documents are public records, but getting these records can be challenging.

You can be part of creating greater transparency! Join Common Cause Ohio, ACLU Ohio, All Voting Is Local, Ohio Citizen Action, Ohio Fair Courts Alliance, and the Ohio News Media Association on Wednesday, April 26 at 6:00 pm for a panel of open government experts and learn how you can get access to the public records that you want.


This virtual event on Wed. April 26 at 6:00 pm will be an open discussion. Learn more about how public records have been used to shine a light on misdeeds and provide insight to advance policies that benefit us all. Panelists will also explore how exemptions to Ohio’s Open Records Law enabled House Bill 6 and the Householder scandal to progress without public scrutiny. Panelists include:

  • Randy Ludlow, former Columbus Dispatch reporter and open government advocate

  • Gary Daniels, chief lobbyist, ACLU of Ohio

  • Catherine Turcer, executive director, Common Cause Ohio

The panel will be moderated by Saavon Smalls from Common Cause.

Explore the increasing need for greater government transparency, accountability and integrity. Second in the Sunshine Series, this virtual forum continues the conversation from our Sunshine at the Statehouse event which dug deeper into the Householder/Borges guilty verdict and how Ohio can move forward.



Opponent Hearing for SB 83

SB 83 Opponent Testimony Hearing 
Wednesday, April 19, 2023


The Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee is
expected to schedule an opponent testimony hearing for
Senate Bill 83 on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. This is OUR time to speak out against The Higher Education Destruction Act
and protect honest education!

Save the date to SHOW UP and SPEAK OUT against
this destructive educational gag order!

We'll release updates and the hearing time as we learn more.
Do not submit testimony until the hearing is formally announced.

Until then, plan to join us at the Statehouse,
prepare your testimony now, rally your community,
and tell legislators to STOP SB 83!

Learn more about SB 83
and its devastating impact on higher education 


1) SIGN UP to Submit Testimony and Pack the Statehouse!
  • General Sign-Up HERE
  • Student Sign-Up HERE
  • Faculty Sign-Up HERE
2) Attend Upcoming Stop SB 83 Events
  • April 13, 6pm: SB 83 Panel & Testimony Workshop HERE
  • April 17, 6pm: SB 83 Town Hall HERE
3) Contact Senate Workforce and Higher Ed Committee
  • Call Committee HERE
  • Email Committee HERE (Take Action with AAUP)
  • Email Committee HERE (Take Action with OEA)
  • Email Committee HERE (Take Action with OFT)
  • Email Committee HERE (Take Action with OSA)
4) Rally Your Community to Protect Higher Education
  • Share SB 83 Flyer with your community HERE 
  • Submit Letters to the Editor or Op-Eds (HOT TIP: convert your testimony into an LTE or op-ed!)

Download Flyer
Learn More to Do More
Visit the Honesty website to learn how you can help protect honest education across Ohio!



AIM Insurance! GOLD SPONSOR! knows how to ensure PTAs and are always available to help make sure your unit or council has the correct insurance and help prevent fraud or theft.
CheddarUp! SILVER SPONSOR! is a digital payment and tracking service. No matter the size of your group or organization, Cheddar Up lets you collect money and forms online for free!
Ohio Organizing Collaborative with All In For Ohio Kids! SILVER SPONSOR! are grassroots people-centered power organizations uniting base-building community organizing groups, student associations and other service organizations throughout Ohio to serve ALL KIDS.
APEX Leadership Co. is a company providing program information/making connections with school PTAs. They work with schools to help them with fundraising and leadership development.
Changepoint Learning LLC provides character education programs for elementary and secondary schools to encourage positive school culture and climate.
Columbus Children's Theatre offers In School Programming sessions, School of Rock sales, as well as Summer Programming opportunities.
Education First Credit Union is the credit union for Ohio’s educational community. Our mission is to enhance our members’ financial position through education, quality service, and value-minded products.
Honesty for Ohio Education is a nonpartisan, statewide coalition that champions honest education, affirmation of all identities and cultures, and the rights of students and families.
Jose Madrid Salsa has handcrafted over 25 flavors of gourmet salsa, available for fundraisers at 50% profit for the PTA!
Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.
MellyPop! Productions provides fun, engaging performances and educational workshops to schools, libraries, theaters, etc. MellyPop! features original scripts, puppets and interactive audience participation!
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Ohio provides mutual support, education, and advocacy for individuals and families affected by serious brain disorders. As a grassroots organization advocating for mental health issues, NAMI Ohio has an outstanding history of affecting public policy and legislation regarding care and resources for persons with serious mental illness.
The Ohio Afterschool Network convenes stakeholders to advocate for, support, and facilitate the development of quality, sustainable Out-of-School time programs for Ohio’s youth and teens.
Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OEMLA), State Library of Ohio, INFOhio are well-established organizations dedicated to providing literacy technology, programs and resources needed by teachers and staff in all Ohio schools that assist student achievement.
Ohio 529 Direct Plan is the simple, flexible way to save for whatever school comes after high school.
Parent Teacher Mode is a teacher owned company that strives to empower parents while elevating math confidence in kids. Our teacher designed, summer workbooks (preK-8th grade) review Common Core Math standards so they are ready for the year ahead.
United School Supplies, Inc. delivers affordable customized back-to-school supply kits with quality brand-name items matching your school's supply lists. Email for a free price quote!
Wonderland Gift Shoppes provide a holiday shop fundraiser to elementary schools for the holidays. Students love this fun shopping event!