#GivingTuesday2022 bit.ly/3XEQioQHelp support the Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Fund. Your donation will assist in providing scholarships to Ohio high school seniors from around the state. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
"This is your PTA news source [blog] for deadlines, data, operational options, event reminders, and everything in between," stated Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President [president@ohiopta.org].
Monday, November 28, 2022
Giving Tuesday 2022
#GivingTuesday2022 bit.ly/3XEQioQHelp support the Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship Fund. Your donation will assist in providing scholarships to Ohio high school seniors from around the state. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Saturday, November 19, 2022
Friendly Reminder and our Holiday Wish List – MemberHub

Friday, November 18, 2022
Seat Beat Resolution

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
National PTA Fall 2022 Programs Grant Recipients
Fall 2022 PTA Connected: Create with Kindness Grant RecipientsAkron Early College High PTA Akron Ohio
Olmsted Falls Senior PTA Olmsted Twp Ohio
Fall 2022 PTA Healthy Minds Grant Recipients Sponsored by The Allstate Foundation
Minerva France Elementary PTA Columbus Ohio
Fall 2022 PTA Connected: The Smart Talk Grant RecipientsAustintown Intermediate PTA Austintown Ohio Barberton Middle School PTSA Barberton Ohio Big Creek Elementary PTA Middleburg Heights Ohio Gables Elementary PTA Columbus Ohio Hayes Intermediate PTA Grove City Ohio Jackson Middle PTA Grove City Ohio John Foster Dulles Elementary PTA Cincinnati Ohio
Congratulations to the Ohio PTAs included in the $655,000 in funding to 495 local PTAs and 2 DCR PTAs representing 43 state PTA congresses, of which 57% support Title I schools. The grants to carry out PTA programming for this round are as follows:

Friday, November 4, 2022
4 Key Takeaways and Friendly Reminders
IRS 990 filing and AG Charitable Registration DEADLINE is November 15th, 2022!!!
As a 501c3, your unit must file an IRS990 and register with the Ohio Attorney General's Charitable Registration -both are due by November 15th. The Ohio PTA pays for a free filing service, File990.org. Log in with your EIN and file. For more information - review the Financial and Legal Handbook ( attached) or email your Region Advisor OR contact Barb Varley, VP of Field Service at barbvarley@gmail.com
Ohio PTA Membership is DUE by November 30th, 2022
First, ( Initial - but don't make it the Last) membership dues are required to be sent via Member Hub to the Ohio PTA by November 30th. Please pay prior to November 30th so that we receive it by the end of the month.
So if your status is:
• We have paid members but not entered-- great!!-here is a resource to enter them into Member Hub hhttps://support.memberhub.
• Haven't had a membership drive yet- see lots of resources from National PTA on membership https://www.pta.org/home/run-
• Don't have access to Member Hub- call, text, or email your region advisor
• Don't see the pay button- only the president or treasurer( logged in ) can see the pay button!
Have you heard about the updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships?
Well, Good News. There is a virtual town hall meeting coming soon!!
When: Thursday, November 17th, 2022
Time: 7PM EST
Where: Virtual Meeting will be streamed live on National PTA’s Facebook page and Twitter and YouTube accounts.
We want Ohio to be the most represented on the call. We can do this Ohio!
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/
Here is the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships Info Kit: https://drive.google.com/
Daylight Savings Time this Weekend!
Remember to change your clocks this weekend. We get 1 extra hour in the day on Sunday, November 6th, 2022.

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Raising the Bar with the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships