Presidents Training - June 10, 1:00 pm & 7:00 pm
"This is your PTA news source [blog] for deadlines, data, operational options, event reminders, and everything in between," stated Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President [president@ohiopta.org].
Letter from National PTA on the HEROS Act
National PTA just sent this letter to Senate and House congressional leaders regarding the HEROS Act, a fourth COVID-19 relief package passed by the House of Representatives on May 15. At this time, there is no indication that the Senate will act on this bill soon. The letter will be posted to the Letters to Policymakers page shortly.
Equitable Services Guidance Under the CARES Act
As you be aware, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) issued guidance on Providing Equitable Services to Students and Teachers in Non-Public Schools Under the CARES Act Programs. ED interprets the CARES Act to allow school districts set aside funds to provide services to private school students and their teachers based on the total number of students they serve, not the number of low-income students they serve, as is the case for setting aside Title I funds for services for low-income students at non-public schools under ESEA. National PTA has addressed its concern about this guidance in the last paragraph of pg. 2 in the attached letter. The HEROS Act further clarifies that “equitable service” funding in the CARES Act is to be determined based on the number of low-income students attending private schools, consistent with section 1117 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Several other education groups, including the Council of Chief State School Officers also believe ED has misinterpreted congressional intent in the distribution of these funds under the CARES Act. As such, CCSSO sent a letter on May 5 Secretary DeVos making the case that the funds for private schools should follow the Title I formula, as directed in the CARES Act. Senate HELP Committee chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) last week seemed to agree with the interpretations of public education groups, noting "I thought, and I think most of Congress thought, that money from the CARES Act would be distributed in the same way that Title I is distributed." Several states and school districts have said they will not follow the ED guidance. The Secretary said last week that ED plans to issue a regulatory rule – that will be available for public comment – to enforce ED’s interpretation of the funding allocation. If you have any questions about what is happening in your school community regarding allocation of CARES funding for equitable services, please contact your local school superintendent. National PTA will continue to follow this issue and engage as appropriate.
Source: National PTA One Voice Blog
This is a bittersweet time for the Class of 2020. As students head toward graduation, it’s not the day
they might have imagined — no processions, no diploma handoffs, no parties. They are commencing at a time of great uncertainty. But graduating is a tremendous achievement, and worth pausing to celebrate even in these circumstances. So, May 15 at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST, Facebook will broadcast a National Graduation Celebration called #Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020. During this live broadcast, a commencement address will be given by Oprah Winfrey. The ceremony will acknowledge high school and college graduating classes in every state across the country. Many celebrities, including Awkwafina, Jennifer Garner, Lil Nas X, Simone Biles, and more, will share words of wisdom for the class of 2020. Miley Cyrus will do a special performance of her hit song, “The Climb.” If you would like your graduates to be acknowledged on this broadcast, submit a video or pictures using this portal by May 4. Facebook plans to acknowledge all schools who have a submission. As a PTA, you can submit your own video or you can work with your parents, teachers, students and administration to submit one joint application with multiple videos. Use National PTA’s Teacher Appreciation Week posters for graduates and Zoom virtual meeting backgrounds to make your video extra special! Check them out at PTA.org/ThankATeacher. Here is how you can participate: 1. Record A Congratulatory Message For Your Graduating ClassThis option is perfect for anyone to do! For example:“Hi, I am <NAME> and I am a teacher at Plymouth North High School in Plymouth, Massachusetts. I want to give a special shout out to our 2020 graduating class. Congratulations on this huge achievement, I’m so proud of you. Go Eagles!”The video should be approximately 15 seconds in length. Be creative, stand out and show your school spirit! 2. Cap & Gown VideosThis option is great for students! Coordinate with a group of your friends (your athletic teams,cheer squad, choir team, chess team) and safely record a video of your cap toss with your fellow graduates via a video service like Facebook Messenger or Zoom. For example: “We are the Marina High School Cheerleaders from Huntington Beach, California – Go Vikings!”Then toss your cap or your pom-poms. Don’t limit yourself! Be creative, unique and stand out. The video should be approximately 15 seconds in length. Keep in mind there should be no music, no profanity and no branded logos outside of your school colors. 3. Thank You VideosThis option is perfect for PTAs!Thank your favorite teacher, principal, faculty members, mentor or parent for getting you here, to graduation. Be sincere and heartfelt in your thank yous. Make it count and start off by saying who you are and what school you are from. The video should be approximately 15 seconds in length. Keep in mind there should be no music, no profanity and no branded logos outside of your school colors. 4. School Spirit PhotosPerfect for anyone, especially if you’re on a time crunch!Just send in photos of yourself and pre-quarantine photos of your team/schoolmates in your school colors, jerseys and hats. Be creative and show your school spirit! 5. Record a Congratulatory Message for Your Graduating SeniorThis option is perfect for very proud parents!Share how proud you and your family are of your graduating senior and why. Show their photo in the video if they are not there with you OR have them seated next to you if they are. Show them your love and support. The video should be approximately 30 seconds in length. Keep in mind there should be no music, no profanity and no branded logos outside of your school colors. This year’s graduation will be different than other years, and no doubt memorable because of it. We’re proud of our graduates for all they have achieved—congratulations to the Class of 2020! Alyssa Montchal is a manager of programs and partnerships for National PTA. |