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"This is your PTA news source [blog] for deadlines, data, operational options, event reminders, and everything in between," stated Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President [president@ohiopta.org].
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Center for Community Solutions

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Reflections Winners!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
National PTA Launches Webpage to Support Families and Educators During COVID-19 Crisis
ALEXANDRIA, Va., (March 24, 2020)—National PTA launched a comprehensive webpage today, which features resources, tools and information to support families and educators amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Located at PTA.org/COVID-19, the goal is to help communities navigate the emerging challenges the pandemic has presented, while meeting the educational and social and emotional needs of all students, educators and families.
“While our utmost priority during this crisis is the health and safety of all students, educators, staff and families, we are also committed to making sure our communities have what they need during this challenging time,” said Leslie Boggs, president of National PTA. “Our nation’s families and educators have many questions and concerns, and we hope the information and resources on this webpage help them navigate this crisis.”
COVID-19 has and will continue to have a significant impact on K-12 education and on the communities PTAs serve. Among the many resources available at PTA.org/COVID-19 are guides for families on social and emotional support, learning at home and healthy habits; and resources for educators on teaching from home, supporting their students and selfcare.
The webpage also links to resources from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Department of Education and provides information on how to talk to children about COVID-19, what is being done to support equitable access to the internet for student learning and to ensure vulnerable youth have access to school meals, and what legislative action Congress is taking regarding COVID-19.
National PTA is also calling on Congress to take swift, bipartisan action to provide fiscal and policy relief to state and local education agencies. In advocacy efforts over the last week, the association called on the administration to provide clear and robust guidance for families and schools on critical issues related to COVID-19, including state testing requirements, access and support for online learning, and access to school meals.
“Funding, flexibility, and clear and robust guidance from the federal government is essential to support state and local capacity, address the impact of COVID-19 on our education system and to keep our nation’s students learning and supported,” said Nathan Monell, CAE, National PTA executive director. “National PTA remains committed to supporting and advocating for our nation’s students, families, schools and communities in this time of crisis.”
About National PTA
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit PTA.org.

Monday, March 23, 2020
Coronavirus Relief Package Update
State Presidents and Federal Legislative Chairs,
As you may have seen and/or heard, the Speaker of the House has released a third coronavirus relief package (a counter proposal to Senator McConnell’s bill). In the House proposal there is a provision for an Emergency Connectivity Fund to provide $2 billion to schools and libraries for Wi-Fi hotspots, connected devices and mobile broadband Internet service to ensure continuity of K-12 learning during this COVID-19 national emergency. National PTA supports this fund and joined fellow education groups on the attached letter that was sent today to House leaders indicating our collective support.
Please know the Government Affairs Department is working hard to ensure federal resources are provided to ensure ALL students have access to the tools, broadband and supports necessary to engage in remote learning during these unprecedent times.
I will continue to keep you updated. The letter will be up soon on our letters to policymakers page under Education Technology and Student Data Privacy
Please feel free to share as appropriate throughout your networks.
Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs
National PTA®

Update on COVID-19 Legislation
Keeping all PTA members informed. #FactsMatter #KnowledgeIsPower
Below is a summary of the three COVID-19 legislative relief packages either passed or currently being negotiated by Congress. The summaries focus on relevant education related provisions included in the bills. Please share among your networks as appropriate.
National PTA is engaged in, and closely monitoring the details of the third legislative package. Specifically, we are focused on ensuring that federal resources are able to quickly get to states and school districts, including dedicated resources to support distance learning, and that there are appropriate flexibilities provided, however we are opposed to broad waivers that raise significant equity and civil rights concerns.
Right now, negotiations are ongoing many provisions in the bill including those related to distance learning in the third package. More details to come as we learn them.
COVID-19 Relief Package #3: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)
PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this bill are fluid. As we receive more concrete information, we will share it with you.
Latest Action: Procedural vote in Senate on 3/22 failed. Negotiations are ongoing.
Summary: The most recent plan would provide $20 billion to the Education Department to help states, schools and colleges with unprecedented disruption of every level of education across the country.
The grants to states would be determined by population and controlled by governors, who would have to allocate money to school districts or colleges that have been “most significantly impacted by coronavirus.”
The Education Department would also provide some funding directly to school districts based on the share of low-income students. That money could be used for a wide range of purposes, including training and professional development, distance learning, purchasing supplies to sanitize schools and planning for long-term school closures.
There is $25 million for “Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program” in the current proposal. National PTA is pushing for a much larger amount of funding for K-12 distance learning.
A previous iteration of the bill would have provided broad wavier authority to Secretary DeVos to waive any provision of the main federal laws governing higher education, K-12 education and career and technical education. However, under the new proposal, the Education Department would be allowed to waive only certain provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), including those dealing with required assessments, state education plans and the allocation of funding. There is a provision in the bill that would allow the Education Department to make legislative recommendations on any additional waivers that need to be enacted into law under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Again, please note that the contents of this bill are fluid. As we receive more concrete information, we will share it with you.
COVID-19 Relief Package #2: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Latest Action: Signed into law on March 18, 2020.
Summary: The second COVID-19 relief package, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R.6201), would provide $1 billion in nutritional aid, expand access to COVID-19 testing and expand sick leave benefits. Relevant education- and workforce-related provisions include:
$500 million for the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
$400 million for the Commodity Assistance program.
Emergency Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) benefits for families with at least one child who would be receiving free and reduced-price meals and whose school has been closed for at least 5 consecutive days.
$160 million for home delivered meals.
$80 million for the Congregate Nutrition Services program under the Older Americans Act.
$400 million for the Commodity Assistance program.
Emergency Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) benefits for families with at least one child who would be receiving free and reduced-price meals and whose school has been closed for at least 5 consecutive days.
$160 million for home delivered meals.
$80 million for the Congregate Nutrition Services program under the Older Americans Act.
Providing the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) with authority to grant waivers (until September 30, 2020):
Of statutory and regulatory provisions under the Child Nutrition and School Lunch Acts in order to provide meals and meal supplements in the event of school closures due to COVID-19;
Of provisions in the School Lunch Act which prevent increased Federal costs when implementing summer food service programs;
To States for the purposes of providing meals and meal supplements in a manner that provides appropriate safety measures. These waivers would be automatically applied to States that seek them without further application by the State;
To provide non-congregate feeding under the Child and Adult Care Food program, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19;
Of requirements regarding the nutritional content of meals, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19;
Of administrative requirements under WIC for States, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19; and
Of the physical presence requirement at the time of WIC certification (current law requires WIC recipients to be physically present when they are certified for benefits). Anthropometric and bloodwork requirements would also be allowed to be waived.
Of statutory and regulatory provisions under the Child Nutrition and School Lunch Acts in order to provide meals and meal supplements in the event of school closures due to COVID-19;
Of provisions in the School Lunch Act which prevent increased Federal costs when implementing summer food service programs;
To States for the purposes of providing meals and meal supplements in a manner that provides appropriate safety measures. These waivers would be automatically applied to States that seek them without further application by the State;
To provide non-congregate feeding under the Child and Adult Care Food program, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19;
Of requirements regarding the nutritional content of meals, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19;
Of administrative requirements under WIC for States, if the waivers are connected to COVID-19; and
Of the physical presence requirement at the time of WIC certification (current law requires WIC recipients to be physically present when they are certified for benefits). Anthropometric and bloodwork requirements would also be allowed to be waived.
Providing an expansion of the Family and Medical Leave Act to provide:
Paid leave, connected to a public health emergency related to COVID-19, to employees at organizations with fewer than 500 total employees to care for a child if childcare is unavailable. Employees would have to be employed for at least 30 days by their employer and the U.S. Secretary of Labor would be empowered to grant hardship exemptions for certain businesses with fewer than 50 employees and to exclude certain health care providers and emergency responders.
The first 10 days of such leave may consist of unpaid leave, with employees being able to substitute vacation, paid leave or sick leave for unpaid leave. Employers are required to provide paid leave for leave days after such initial 10-day period. The amount of pay is required to be at least 2/3rds of the pay an employee would receive based on an employee’s normally scheduled hours of work. Paid leave would not have to exceed $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate.
Paid leave, connected to a public health emergency related to COVID-19, to employees at organizations with fewer than 500 total employees to care for a child if childcare is unavailable. Employees would have to be employed for at least 30 days by their employer and the U.S. Secretary of Labor would be empowered to grant hardship exemptions for certain businesses with fewer than 50 employees and to exclude certain health care providers and emergency responders.
The first 10 days of such leave may consist of unpaid leave, with employees being able to substitute vacation, paid leave or sick leave for unpaid leave. Employers are required to provide paid leave for leave days after such initial 10-day period. The amount of pay is required to be at least 2/3rds of the pay an employee would receive based on an employee’s normally scheduled hours of work. Paid leave would not have to exceed $200 per day or $10,000 in the aggregate.
Providing an Employer provided paid sick leave benefit:
The benefit would be provided to employees of private businesses with fewer than 500 employees and employees of public entities for illness or quarantine related to COVID-19 or the care of someone who is quarantined due to or ill because of COVID-19. Employers may exempt health care providers or emergency responders from this benefit
Full-time employees can receive up to 80 hours, with part-time employees receiving up to the number of hours they would normally work over a 2-week period.
The paid sick leave benefit would only be in effect through the end of 2020.Limits exist on daily and aggregate paid sick leave amounts provided to employees.
The U.S. Secretary of Labor would be empowered to grant hardship exemptions for certain businesses with fewer than 50 employees and to exclude certain health care providers and emergency responders from the benefit
The benefit would be provided to employees of private businesses with fewer than 500 employees and employees of public entities for illness or quarantine related to COVID-19 or the care of someone who is quarantined due to or ill because of COVID-19. Employers may exempt health care providers or emergency responders from this benefit
Full-time employees can receive up to 80 hours, with part-time employees receiving up to the number of hours they would normally work over a 2-week period.
The paid sick leave benefit would only be in effect through the end of 2020.Limits exist on daily and aggregate paid sick leave amounts provided to employees.
The U.S. Secretary of Labor would be empowered to grant hardship exemptions for certain businesses with fewer than 50 employees and to exclude certain health care providers and emergency responders from the benefit
COVID-19 Relief Package #1: The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act
Latest Action: Signed into law on March 6, 2020.
Summary: The first COVID-19 relief package, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act (H.R.6074), included $8.3 billion in emergency funding and was signed into law on Friday, March 6. The bill was focused on vaccine development, research and equipment stockpiles, and supporting State and local health budgets. The bill did not contain any education- or workforce-related provisions.
Thank you,
Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Hannah Rotunda Insider / March 23, 2020
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Resources 3/23/20
v The Crisis Kit: 5 tools for helping clients through turbulent times
Ø A PDF fillable 41 page document. There is also an audio file and a
YouTube version.
v Corona Virus Social Story:
v Virtual Fieldtrips
v Free Musicals to Watch
v Scholastic is offering free online courses so your kids can keep
learning while schools are out
v Headspace is FREE for Mental Health Professionals
Adventures in Familyhood - 20 Free Virtual Field Trips to
take with your kids https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/20-virtual-field-trips-to-take-with-your-kids.html
Switch Zoo
Watch, listen and play games to learn all about amazing
animals https://switchzoo.com
Nat Geo for Kids
Learn all about geography and fascinating animals www.kids.nationalgeographic.com
Into the Book
Go "into the book" to play games that practice
reading strategies www.reading.ecb.org
Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his
friends www.seussville.com
Practice math and reading skills all while playing fun
games www.abcya.com
Fun Brain
Play games while practicing math and reading skills www.funbrain.com
PBS Kids
Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning
Star Fall
Practice your phonics skills with these read-along
stories www.starfall.com
Storyline Online
Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie
stars www.storylineonline.net
Highlights Kids
Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments www.highlightskids.com
San Diego Zoo
The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with
amazing videos, activities, and games https://kids.sandiegozoo.org
Tour Yellowstone National Park
Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/
Offers 11 virtual tours of farms from minks, pigs, and
cows, to apples and eggs https://www.farmfood360.ca/
Indoor Activities for Busy Toddlers
The Louvre Virtual Field Trip
Travel to Paris, France to see amazing works of art at
The Louvre https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China
London museum
This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows
virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone
and Egyptian mummies https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com
Printable worksheets
Math Score
All Kids Network
Crafts, activities, mazes, dot to dot, and more https://www.allkidsnetwork.com
High School Chemistry
Math and Language Games
Hands on Elementary science videos
Voice-based learning through Alexa
Online History Classes
Educational games K-12
Digital Archive of History
SAT and ACT test Prep
Chinese Learning Activities
Music is For Everyone
Science, Math, Social Studies
Grammar Practice for Middle School
Science and Cooking Experiments
Reading Comprehension Grades 3-12
Vocabulary, grammar, listening activities, and games in
Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin https://conjuguemos.com/
Cultures and Countries around the World
K-5th Science lessons
Free classes from leading universities and companies https://www.coursera.org/
Free Pintable's K-8
Digital Learning Preschool through High School https://www.curriki.org/
Math Middle School through AP Calculus
Projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html
Maker Stations
Classes for Older Teens
Online Homeschool Pre-K-12
K-8 Online Math
Printable board games
Engaging reading grades2-8
Higher level Math
Foreign Languages
Interactive Video Earth Science
Resources for AP students
Educational Brain Breaks
Movement and Mindfulness Activities
7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas
Carmen Sandiego
Math Videos
Entertaining and Educational Videos
Online Education program toddler through high school https://www.khanacademy.org/
Free Pintables Pre-K through 2nd grade
Free Pintables Library 0-6
Yoga At Home
Magic Spell
Resources for AP students
Math Help 2nd Grade through College
Elementary math Games
Poetry and Music
3D Printing Projects and Coding Projects https://www.instructables.com/member/EdgertonCenter/instructables/
Music Theory
Teaching Personal Finance
Typing Skills
Illustrated Recipes to teach cooking
Writing curriculum
Do at home Science Activities
Daily Educational Lessons and Activities https://www.superchargedschool.com/
Adaptive Curriculum in Math and ELA grades K-8 https://www.scootpad.com/
Novel Effects read along stories for children and adults https://noveleffects.com/
At home projects ages 2+
Writing paragraphs
PBS Learning
Curricular content hub Grades K-3
Science and Math labs and simulations
Online Physics
Prodigies music curriculum grades 1-12
Free videos from around the world grades 3-12 https://www.projectexplorer.org/
Practice and Mastering skills
Critical Thinking Grades K-6
Music Based Spanish Learning
Science simulations for middle and high schoolers https://sepuplhs.org/
The Shurley English Program Grades K-8
Sight reading and sight singing practice exercises https://www.sightreadingfactory.com
Music Practice
Spelling (code VSCFree90)
Kid-friendly work outs
K-12 STEM resources
Course set Levels 1-5
At home OT, PT, and ST resources
Science projects
Keyboarding practice
Next Generation Science Middle School
Visual Comprehension
Math Practice
K-5 Curriculum for math
Resource guide for Preschool-8th grade
450 Ivy League Courses
Spelling Grades 1-4
2500 Online courses
Learn to Code
Phonics and Learning
PreK-5 games
Online digital coloring pages
Homeschool courses preschool-grade 12
Free online stories ages 3-12
National Geographic Young Explorers
Learn about Earthquakes
Learn about the Periodic Table
Farmer's almanac for kids
Guide to gardening for kids
Space science
Math games, Logic Puzzles, and Brain Builders https://www.mathplayground.com/
Journey Through Time
NGAkids Art and Art History
Story Starters
Math games
Science Experiments
Interactive history
Magic Treehouse Games
Work on the 8 parts of Speech
Scratch coding
History of cities
Number and math
Human Body
Learn to play Instruments Online
Preschool crafts
Preschool-K learning songs
Life skills Grades K-12
Coding ages 4-10
Cool Kid Facts
U.S. Government
Dr. Universe
Coin Collecting
Kids Think Design
The Theta Music Trainer
Money Management
Human Body Systems
Find and fix learning gaps
Algebra games
Fractions practice
Education for kids all topics
Math and logic problems ages 5 to adult
Science podcasts
Alaskan Wildlife cams
Coding with Star Wars
Crafts, projects, science, recipes for young children https://www.funology.com/
Amphibian unit studies
Online jigsaw puzzle 6-1000+pieces
Toddler and preschool ideas
100 free online educational program ideas
Artist at Heart Paint Party has kids art activities at
noon Cleveland Metroparks Zoo at 11am everyday Facebook Live Event Mo Willems
has a Livestream Doodle group called LunchDoodles Shark Story Hour at 10am
every day sponsored by Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Make is offering free
kids art classes at noon Cincinatti Zoo at 3pm has a Facebook Live event every
day Great Lakes Science Center is doing Curiosity Corner at 1030am and 3pm on
their YouTube channel. They can view the Facebook page to find the direct link
Thursday March 19 Mo Willems Storytime! Sponsored by
Comstock Township Library
I'm sure there are many more and I will try to get them
out to you as I hear more.
Ready Rosie
PBS Kids
Sesame Street
EQ Mighty Touch and Learn-Emotions
Wisdom-Kingdom of Anger
Kids and Divorce
Peppy Pals Social Skills
iTouchiLearn Feelings for preschoolers
The Greater
Cleveland YMCA is offering programming for children who’s caregivers are
medical personnel, first responders, Nursing Home/Assisted Living Employees and
Children Services Employees. Visit clevelandymca.org/childcare centers or
call 216-263-6860 to ask questions about enrollment
As we all adjust to our “new
normal” there are so many things individuals and families can do during this
time at home…you are only limited to your imagination! Explore the outdoors and
more. Click HERE for a list of suggestions from the Ohio Department of
![]() |
Governor says Most BMV locations now closed. Grace periods
for licenses that are expiring.
The CSWMFT Board is working with Governor Mike
DeWine’s office as well as other State agencies on an emergency rule that will
provide flexibility for licensees who are seeking to provide teletherapy. We
anticipate the proposed rule will be issued soon and will align with the
rules being proposed by the Ohio Depart of Medicaid and Ohio Department of
Mental Health and Addiction Services. Once the rule is issued, we will provide
an update and additional guidance.
Licensees who want to prepare for providing
teletherapy would be advised to review guidance from the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services regarding HIPAA. You can find the guidance at https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/emergency-preparedness/notification-enforcement-discretion-telehealth/index.html.
Below are some additional resources about teletherapy
and COIVD-19:
of Ohio Resources
and Family Therapy
Telemedicine Association - http://www.americantelemed.org/resources/telemedicine-practice-guidelines/telemedicine-practice-guidelines#.VS_Go40tGUk
Medicare - https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/medicare-telemedicine-health-care-provider-fact-sheet
All County buildings are closed to the public. If a family
has a scheduled hearing at a court building they will want to check on how that
will be proceeding. A link to access online services and instructions for
families who have hearings with child support or team meetings/staffings with
child and family services is below. Many of these are being held over the
FOOD PANTRIES (from Greater Cleveland Food Bank)
Food Resources Near You - 44102
Please note:
1. Most food pantries are open different days and hours.
2. Some pantries are only able to serve clients that live
in their zip code and or neighborhood/community.
3. If possible, please make sure to bring a piece of mail
with your address on it and/or a photo ID for verification.
4. Please make sure to call ahead and verify the pantry
is open.
Service Area
Salvation Army - Ohio
Mondays - Thursdays: 9-11:30a
4400 Clark Avenue
44102, 44109, 44113 and
SVDP Food Center at
Community Corner Hunger Center
Mondays, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10a-2p
8302 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland OH 44102
Within this area: Lake
Erie, West 52nd Street, West 117th Street and Clark Avenue
Prince of Peace Outreach
and Deliverance Ministries
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 1-4p
4800 Denison Avenue
Stockyards area (Denison
to Clark and Fulton to West 65th)
West 58th
Street Church of God
3rd Saturday:
3150 West 58th
St. Boniface Church
2nd, 3rd & 4th Thursdays
3545 West 54th
44102 and Within this
area: Denison Avenue/Ridge Road, West 46th Street and the
South Side of Clark Avenue
Sagrada Familia Church
3rd Thursday:
7719 Detroit Avenue
Open to Anyone
Church of Jesus Christ
Mount Moriah
3rd Saturday:
9807 Cudell Avenue
Open to Anyone
Denison Avenue United
Church of Christ
4th Tuesday:
9900 Denison Avenue
44102 and 44111
Simpson United Methodist
Last Wednesday:
8519 Clark Avenue
Open to Anyone
Project Light
Proyecto Luz
(By appointment)
8901 Willard Avenue
West side of Cleveland
New Beginning Ministries
3rd Saturday:
2060 West 65th
Open to Anyone
Brookside Family Center
3674 Pearl Road
44102, 44109, 44129,
44130, 44144 & Within this area: South to Tiedeman Road, North to Storer
Avenue, West 72nd Street & East 2nd Street
Cooley Avenue Church of
3rd Saturday:
12401 Cooley Avenue
44111, 44135, 44102
Thursdays: 1-2p
3801 Clark
44102, 44107,
44109, 44111, 44113,44129, 44130 & 44144
Salvation Army - West
9- 11:30a
12645 Lorain Avenue
44102, 44107, 44111,
44116, 44126, 44129, 44130, 44134, 44135, 44136, 44140, 44142 & 44145
St. Paul's Community
Tuesdays-Fridays: 10-11a
4427 Franklin Boulevard
44102 & 44113
WSEM Food Center at Near
West Food & Family Service Center (at St. Patrick's Church)
Wednesdays &
Fridays: 10a-2p
3610 Bridge Avenue
44102 & 44113
United Hearts Life
Mission Center
Wednesdays & Fridays: 9a-1p
3339 Broadview Road
44102, 44109, 44111,
44113, 44114, 44115, 44127, 44134 & 44144
Hot Meals
Service Area
St. Boniface Church
1st Friday: 4-6p
3545 West 54th
Open to Anyone
Episcopal West Side
Shared Ministry
Wednesdays: 6-7p
Sundays: 12:30p
1349 West 78th
Open to Anyone
Calvary Reformed Church
Thursdays: 12-2p
3rd Friday: 5:30-7p
1918 West 65th
Open to Anyone
Westside Seventh Day
Adventist Church
2nd Tuesday: 1-2p
4th Tuesday: 1-2p
8809 Madison Avenue
Open to Anyone
Project SEVA - St.
2nd to Last Saturday: 3-5p
2021 West 65th
Open to Anyone
Way of Escape Ministries
Last Wednesday: 4:30-7p
6818 Denison Avenue
Open to Anyone
Produce Distribution
Cleveland Dept. of Aging-Cudell
Rec. Center
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mar 19 2020
1910 West Blvd.
Episcopal West Side Shared
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Mar 23 2020
1349 W. 78th St.
The Halle School of Inquiry
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Mar 17 2020
7901 Halle Ave.
West Side Community House
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mar 18 2020
9300 Lorain Ave.
Greater Cleveland Food Bank
3rd Thursday of
month 4-6p
15500 South Waterloo
Kids Café
Organization Name
Start Date
End Date
Open To:
CPL - Lorain
Branch- CLOSED
8216 Lorain
Children 18
& Under
CPL - Walz
Branch- CLOSED
7910 Detroit
Children 18
& Under
Urban Community
School- CLOSED
4909 Lorain Ave
Children 18
& Under
Food Resources Near You - 44109
Please note:
1. Most food pantries are open different days and hours.
2. Some pantries are only able to serve clients that live
in their zip code and or neighborhood/community.
3. If possible, please make sure to bring a piece of mail
with your address on it and/or a photo ID for verification.
4. Please make sure to call ahead and verify the pantry
is open.
Service Area
Mega Resource Center
Mondays & Fridays:
2401 Prame Avenue
Open to Anyone
St. Michael the
Mondays & Thursdays:
3114 Scranton Road
44109 & 44113
Brookside Family Center
10a – 2p
3674 Pearl Road
44102, 44109, 44129,
44130, 44144 & Within this area: South to Tiedeman Road, North to Storer
Avenue, West 72nd Street & East 2nd Street
United Hearts Life
Mission Center
Wednesdays & Fridays: 9a-1p
3339 Broadview Road
44102, 44109, 44111,
44113, 44114, 44115, 44127, 44134 & 44144
St. Vincent de Paul
Tuesdays, Thursdays
& Saturdays: 10a-1p
2145 Broadview Road
44109, 44129, 44130,
44134, 44142 & 44144
CityReach Church
Thursdays: 1-2p
3801 Clark Avenue
44102, 44107, 44109,
44111, 44113,44129, 44130 & 44144
Iglesia Nueva Vida -
Free Methodist Church
2nd & 4th
2327 Holmden Avenue
Cuyahoga County
St Leo the Great
3rd Tuesday:
11a-12p & 5-6p
4940 Broadview Rd
44109, 44129, 44130,
44134, 44142, 44144
Pilgrim Congregational
Tuesdays &
Thursdays: 10a-12p
2592 West 14th
44109 & 44113
St. Mary of Egypt
Orthodox Mission
3rd Saturday:
4345 State Road
Open to Anyone
Iglesia Sinai
Last Wednesday: 4-6p
3256 Scranton Road
Open to Anyone
Salvation Army – Ohio
4400 Clark Avenue
44102, 44109, 44113,
Thursdays: 1-2p
3801 Clark
44102, 44107,
44109, 44111, 44113,44129, 44130 & 44144
Hot Meals
Service Area
Mercy Seat Mission
Mondays, Wednesdays & Last Friday: Meal Served at Noon
3510 Broadview Road
Open to Anyone
Pearl Road United
Methodist Church
First 2 Thursdays: 6-7p & Last 2 Sundays: 5-6p
4200 Pearl Road
Open to Anyone
St. Michael the
Last Sunday (or Sunday before if last is a holiday): 1:30-3p
3115 Scranton Road
Open to Anyone
Salvation Army
- Ohio City
4402 Clark
Open to Anyone
Produce Distribution
Cleveland Hope Exchange
9:30 AM - 12:30 AM
Mar 28 2020
3381 Fulton Rd.
Metro Health Mobile Pantry
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mar 17 2020
2500 Metro Health Dr.
Greater Cleveland Food Bank
3rd Thursday of
month 4-6p
15500 South Waterloo
Kids Cafe
Organization Name
Start Date
End Date
Open To:
BGC - Luis Munoz
1701 Castle Ave
Children 18
& Under
CPL - Brooklyn
Branch- CLOSED
3706 Pearl Road
Children 18
& Under
CPL - Fulton
Branch- CLOSED
3545 Fulton
Children 18
& Under
CPL - South
Branch- CLOSED
3096 Scranton
Children 18
& Under
CPL - South
Brooklyn Branch- CLOSED
4303 Pearl Road
Children 18
& Under
Food Resources Near You - 44111
Please note:
1. Most food pantries are open different days and hours.
2. Some pantries are only able to serve clients that live
in their zip code and or neighborhood/community.
3. If possible, please make sure to bring a piece of mail
with your address on it and/or a photo ID for verification.
4. Please make sure to call ahead and verify the pantry
is open.
Service Area
Salvation Army - West
Mondays - Thursdays:
9- 11:30a
12645 Lorain Avenue
44102, 44107, 44111,
44116, 44126, 44129, 44130, 44134, 44135, 44136, 44140, 44142 & 44145
St. Ladislas Church (at
St. Ignatius of Antioch)
2nd Tuesday:
10205 Lorain Avenue
44102 & 44111
R.E.D. 4 Christ
2nd Saturday:
13004 Liberty Avenue
Open to Anyone
Cooley Avenue Church of
3rd Saturday:
12401 Cooley Avenue
44111, 44135, 44102
Denison Avenue United
Church of Christ
4th Tuesday:
9900 Denison Avenue
44102 & 44111
CityReach Church
Thursdays: 1-2p
3801 Clark Avenue
44102, 44107, 44109, 44111,
44113,44129, 44130 & 44144
Horizon Education Center-
Triskett Station
3rd Thursday:
13700 Triskett Avenue
United Hearts Life
Mission Center
Wednesdays & Fridays: 9a-1p
3339 Broadview Road
44102, 44109, 44111,
44113, 44114, 44115, 44127, 44134 & 44144
Hot Meals
Service Area
St. Ladislas
Church (at St. Ignatius of Antioch)
& 3rd Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30p
10205 Lorain
Open to
Produce Distribution
Salvation Army-West Park
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Mar 20 2020
12645 Lorain Avenue
Second Calvary Baptist
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Mar 27 2020
12017 Emery Avenue
Greater Cleveland Food Bank
3rd Thursday of
month 4-6p
15500 South Waterloo
Kids Cafe
Organization Name
Start Date
End Date
Open To:
CPL - Eastman
Branch- CLOSED
11602 Lorain
Children 18
& Under
CPL - West Park
Branch- CLOSED
3805 West 157th
Children 18
& Under
SA - West Park-
12645 Lorain
Children 18
& Under
For monthly produce give
away times/dates, please call
216-738-2067 at the beginning
of each month
Here is information related to helping families get free broadband
for the next two months. To utilize the links, you’ll need to hit control
and click the link or right click and then use the open hyperlink option.
Cable giant Charter Communications will
provide free broadband for two months to households with students, as a number
of U.S. schools are shutting down because of concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19)
Starting next Monday (March 16), Charter will offer free Spectrum
broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college
students — which do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription — at any
service level up to 100 megabits per second.
The move follows Comcast’s announcement
that it would extend free broadband to low-income
families, also for a 60-day period, starting next week, and will boost speeds
of the service tier (regularly $9.95 per month).
To enroll in Charter’s free-broadband program, eligible consumers
must call (844) 488-8395. The company said it will waive installation fees for
new student households. Charter said it will partner with school districts “to
ensure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn
remotely.” In addition, the operator will open its Wi-Fi hotspots across its
footprint for public use, free of charge.
For eligible low-income households without school-age children,
Charter continues to offer Spectrum
Internet Assist, a low-cost broadband program that provides
speeds of up 30 Mbps.
“As the country works collaboratively to contain this pandemic,
broadband internet access will be increasingly essential to ensuring that
people across the country are able to learn and work remotely, that businesses
can continue to serve customers, and that Americans stay connected and engaged
with family and friends,” Charter said in a statement.
Charter has about 29 million customers across a 41-state
footprint. The cable operator noted that it does not impose data caps or usage
surcharges on broadband service.
in need can visit the website, state their need and a member organization will
reach out to contact them with services.
am reaching out to inform you about immediate measures of caution that
are taken by Cleveland Diocese of Catholic Charities. Due to the current situation with the coronavirus, Catholic
Charities has made the decision to not allow any external providers to enter
our sites to provide services. This decision is effective
immediately. I apologize for the interruption in services but we are
doing this preventive measure for the safety of our children, staff and
families. I will keep you informed going forward. Effective at this
time, all Head Start centers are closed at least until April 3, 2020 until
further notice and this time may extend depending on actions by our State
Representatives and Federal Government Regulations. I am available to assist
with further questions. My cell phone (440) 503-1217 is available at all
Mary T. Baran
Head Start Disabilities & Mental Health Coordinator
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Cleveland
Open Meal Sites:
*Cleveland Metropolitan School District will
have 22 sites open from 11:30-1:00 Monday through Friday. The site
will be open to pick up lunch and also breakfast for the next day.
This will begin on March 16 and end on April 3rd. This is open
to anyone 18 years or younger.
Albert B Hart
3900 E 75th St, Cleveland, OH 44105
East Clark
885 E 146th St, Cleveland, OH
OH Perry
18400 Schenely Ave, Cleveland, OH 44119
Andrew J Rickoff
3500 E 147th St, Cleveland, OH
3800 W 140th St, Cleveland, OH 44111
Patrick Henry
11901 Durant Ave, Cleveland, OH 44108
Anton Grdina
2955 E 71st St, Cleveland, OH, 44104
Louisa May Alcott
10308 Baltic Rd, Cleveland, OH 44102
14601 Montrose Ave, Cleveland, OH 44111
Buhrer Dual Language
1600 Buhrer Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109
Marion Sterling
3033 Central Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115
RG Jones
4550 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135
Charles Mooney
3213 Montclair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109
Mary B Martin
8200 Brookline Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103
1805 W 57th St, Cleveland, OH 44102
5550 Clark Ave, Cleveland, OH
111918 Miles Rd, Cleveland, OH 44105
Whitney Young
17900 Harvard Ave, Cleveland, OH 44128
3799 W 33rd St, Cleveland, OH
Michael R White
1000 E 92nd St, Cleveland, OH 44108
William C Bryant
3121 Oak Park Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109
Newton D Baker
3690 W 159th St, Cleveland, OH 44111
*Cleveland Public Library – All locations – until the
Libraries re-open
Serving bagged meals between 3:30
-4:30 PM
Library is closed to public but
will be distributing meals only
Cuyahoga County Libraries – 10 sites
Serving Bagged meals at the times designated below:
CCPL - Brooklyn
3:30pm - 4:15pm
CCPL - Garfield
Heights Branch
3-3:30 pm
CCPL - Maple
Heights Branch
CCPL - North
Olmsted Branch
3:30pm - 4:00pm
CCPL - Parma
3:45-4:15 PM
CCPL - Parma
Snow Branch
3:30-4 PM
CCPL - South
Euclid- Lyndhurst Branch
3:15 -3:45 pm
CCPL - Southeast
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Warrensville Heights Branch
3:45-4:30 PM
*Boys and Girls Clubs – 3 locations – all serving 12
-1PM – Monday through Friday
Serving bagged lunches
King Kennedy
St. Lukes
*CMHA – 3 locations – serving time?
CMHA - Lakeview
CMHA - Outhwaite
CMHA - Woodhill
Community Center
Please find attached the list of
CMSD schools offering school meals during the school closure period. Per
CEO Gordon, CMSD will offer a meal pick-up program at 22 PreK-8 sites across
the city. At these meal pick-up locations, students will be able to
pick-up two meals (a breakfast and lunch) and instructional enrichment materials
to keep them engaged in learning during the closure period.
- These schools will be serving meals
Monday through Friday, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Children 18 and younger can pick up a
grab & go lunch along with breakfast for the following day, and the
service is open to all children, regardless
of where they go to school—public, parochial, chart and private schools in
- CMSD will provide shuttle bus service to these 22
schools for all other CMSD PreK-8 buildings, allowing families the ability
to walk to the closest school to access the shuttle.
bus passes for all students will remain active so that students can move
around the city as needed.
If I can be of assistance, please
don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you as always for your kindest consideration
in advance. Stay safe and well!
Zerrine Bailey
Humanware Partner
Department-Social Emotional Learning
Metropolitan School District
1111 Superior
E-17th Floor| Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Office: 216-838-0147
to the high demand of Ohioans applying for Medicaid, the Ohio Department of
Medicaid has issued guidance that county Job and Family Service agencies stop
processing Medicaid renewals at this time. Medicaid coverage will not be
lost because the renewal process was not able to be completed.
Job and Family Services is working to process as many new Medicaid applications
as possible each day to ensure residents have medical coverage.
communication will be made available in the coming weeks as this health
emergency stabilizes.
ask that you assist us in communicating this message in the community.
you have any questions or concerns please contact the Office of Community
Engagement at community_outreach@jfs.ohio.gov.
you for your support and assistance.
Over the
past few days, my email has been inundated with many questions about getting
our clients their medications. I am hopeful that this email will assist you in
guiding your clients, and also reassure you that I am diligently working to get
them their prescriptions. Monday-Wednesdays clients all had their medications
hand delivered by me to their selected pharmacies. Moving forward, here is all
the information I can share:
PLEASE READ: All controlled substances will be sent to Genoa pharmacy.
They have a courier service that will deliver the controlled substance
directly to the clients home. As providers, please make sure the phone
numbers and addresses are correct for your clients in Credible!! The pharmacy
will call the client to set up a drop off window and someone can sign for
it when it arrives. It is simply to much for me to hand deliver all these
prescriptions all over the city, and this seemed to make the most sense. I
will be dropping of prescriptions here two to three days weekly.
- All non-controlled
substances will be sent directly to the clients pharmacy of choice
- The pharmacies are VERY
busy right now, and most of them are backed up a day or so, so please
reassure your clients that the pharmacists are doing their best to
accommodate everyone during this time.
- If you have a client
that needs medication, email me their information, and please verify the
pharmacy they would like it sent to!! It would also be helpful to let your
clients know that there is one of me, and hundreds of them, so it may take
a day before it gets sent.
- Clients can continue to
call our outpatient number 216-862-4664 and leave a message. Brenda will
get back to them within 24 hours to address their questions or
- Brenda will continue to
check ITP's per usual, and if they do not have a current one, I will not
be able to do any telemedicine with them. This does not mean they can not
get medication, just follow the previous bullet points to let me know what
they need.
- If you can, please
stress to the parents that a quick check in with me is important during
these times. Parents keep telling Brenda that they want meds, but do not
want to give me an update on how the client is doing. We are all in the
same boat, and this is hard. But for the safety of the patient, it would
be helpful to have a brief update!!
- If a patient needs a
telemedicine appointment, call Brenda's number and she will schedule them
with me for next week on either Tuesday or Thursday. If they are an initial
visit, and really need to be seen, they have to agree to do a phone call
with me, as I need to do a full assessment before I am willing to
- When a parent contacts
you, please ask how much medicine they have left, if it is a few days, let
me know so I can get the refill done ASAP, if it is a week or more it will
not be top priority.
At NAMI, we know that this is a very difficult time for many
people across the country, and certainly for the community we serve. As we all
reckon with the impacts of the Coronavirus outbreak, NAMI remains committed to
ensuring that people with mental health conditions and their family members
have the information and support they need to weather these uncertain times.
In case you missed it, NAMI.org has the latest information from the CDC, as well as some tips for keeping yourself safe and healthy. Likewise, based on common questions and concerns we’ve been hearing from you, the NAMI HelpLine has prepared an in-depth guide with tips and resources for people who are experiencing anxiety, loneliness and other hardships due to the spread of the Coronavirus. Please take a look and share it with anyone who might be struggling or have questions about managing a mental health condition during this time.
We will continue to share guidance and resources to support you and your loved ones, but please don’t hesitate to reach out to the NAMI HelpLine Monday through Friday from 10:00 am-6:00 pm (EDT) at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org if we can be of assistance. If you or a loved one is in crisis, you can text "NAMI" TO 741741.
In case you missed it, NAMI.org has the latest information from the CDC, as well as some tips for keeping yourself safe and healthy. Likewise, based on common questions and concerns we’ve been hearing from you, the NAMI HelpLine has prepared an in-depth guide with tips and resources for people who are experiencing anxiety, loneliness and other hardships due to the spread of the Coronavirus. Please take a look and share it with anyone who might be struggling or have questions about managing a mental health condition during this time.
We will continue to share guidance and resources to support you and your loved ones, but please don’t hesitate to reach out to the NAMI HelpLine Monday through Friday from 10:00 am-6:00 pm (EDT) at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org if we can be of assistance. If you or a loved one is in crisis, you can text "NAMI" TO 741741.
Will you be ours?
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see the email attachment.
If you talk to parents and they are saying that they are
laid off or not getting paychecks, they can go to www.unemployment.ohio.gov and apply
for unemployment. They are getting record number of applications and phone
calls. They are asking that if people have a computer or access to one that
they file the application on line and leave the phone lines open for those who
do not have access to a computer. The phone number to call is 1-877-644-6562
Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM.

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