Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lau Resource Center Banner

Equitable Access and Rights of Students to Enroll
Federal law stipulates that all children in the United States are entitled equitable 
access to a public elementary and secondary education regardless of their actual or 
perceived race, color, national origin, citizenship, immigration status, or the status of 
their parents/guardians. Schools must ensure that students are not barred from 
enrolling in public schools at the elementary and secondary level based on 
their own citizenship or immigration status, or that of their parents or guardians. 
This includes providing students with limited or interrupted formal education access 
to instruction that is age and grade-appropriate.

Inquiring about a student's immigration or citizenship status is unnecessary 
to providing students with public education and may have a chilling or 
discouraging effect on student enrollment. The Department holds that traditional
 public and community schools may not inquire and require information 
on the immigration or citizenship status of a student or parent. Parents and guardians 
must be informed, in language that is understandable, that providing such information 
is optional and does not change the right to enroll in school. This applies 
to registration processes that families complete online and 
to processes that occur in person.

Resources from the U.S. Department of Education
Fact Sheet: Information on the Rights of All Children to Enroll in School
Los Derechos de Todos los Niños a Matricularse en la Escuela (Spanish)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Public Schools Week

Join Ohio PTA in celebrating the amazing value of our public schools this week! Please visit the following website to sign a pledge of support for our public schools, and more importantly, 90% of the nation's children we teach. Today is the time to celebrate our craft, our service to students and families, and our livelihoods. As advocates for children, and we know the public school system (which is you!) makes our democracy strong and vibrant. We teach our students the importance that each voice in America counts, and together we can do great things!

Thank you for dedicating your life to serving our children and the larger community. Thank you for sharing our stories with your neighbors and family informing them that the public schools take great care to educate our children well, and do so in a fiscally responsible way. Thank you for celebrating our public schools this week.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

You're Invited!

On behalf of Ohio PTA, I would like to officially invite you to join us at the 114th Annual Ohio PTA Convention, “The Magic of PTA” on April 17-19, 2020 at the Embassy Suites Dublin. 

NEW this year -  an Advocacy Event on Friday evening and on Saturday evening, a special program to recognize our PTA membership efforts and local award winners, "The Magic of Membership!"  Following tradition, there will be many informative and diverse workshop sessions on Saturday and Sunday.  
Attached you will find a copy of the convention promotional piece. You can register through the mail or online by clicking here: online registration

 I look forward to seeing you there. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Ana Chapman
Ohio PTA President 2019-2021

Monday, February 17, 2020

Useful / Important Information Links

Join Ohio PTA President, Ana Chapman and Ohio PTA Membership Chair, Janice Wanko, for a wonderful hour of Membership learning! On the Wednesday, February 26, National PTA representatives along with Avon Lake Early Childhood PTA  will join the conversation about engaging young families.  All those who are registered by NOON (EST) 2/26/2020 and who are in attendance on the Zoom Webinar, will be eligible for a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Winner will be drawn at the end of the presentation and must be on when drawing occurs. Register in advance for the February 26th meeting from 7-8 pm Eastern Time

An Ohio Student Project - Adding a Student Representative to the State Board of Education - Your thoughts? Take the survey.

Are you connected to our other communication platforms?
Please subscribe, follow, and like Ohio PTA!

Join the Ohio Partnership PTA Today!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ohio PTA 114th Convention & Exhibition - Register Today!

Monday, February 10, 2020

February 17th is Founders Day

Thursday, February 6, 2020

National PTA Government Affairs Department / 2020 State of the Union Address


On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, President Donald Trump delivered his third State of the Union, outlining his priorities for 2020 including immigration, healthcare, trade, foreign policy and the economy. The President specified a number of legislative and policy priorities that would improve the lives of many Americans with education receiving slightly more attention than previous State of the Union addresses. This memo summarizes the relevant policies to National PTA’s public policy agenda expressed by the President in his address.

School Choice

In contrast to years past, the President specifically promoted private school choice legislation – the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunities Act (S. 634/H.R. 1434) – as the most viable alternative to “failing government schools.” National PTA opposes this legislation as it would redirect $5 billion per year of federal taxpayer dollars to fund private school voucher programs. National PTA advocates for the improvement of, and investments in public education for all children and to guarantee public funds are not diverted to any private school choice proposal or voucher system. See National PTA’s position statement on Public School Choice and position statement on Opposing Vouchers, Tuition Tax Credits and Deductions as Systems of Education Aid. National PTA is also a founding member of the National Coalition for Public Education (NCPE) which supports public schools and opposes school choice measures.
We remain steadfast in our opposition to private school choice proposals that divert public money from public schools and will continue to actively monitor and engage on school choice legislation. To date, Congress has not adopted any of the Administration’s proposals on expanding school choice.

Vocational and Technical Education

The President called on Congress to support his plan to offer vocational and technical education in every single high school in America. While the President did not offer any specifics about this policy proposal, he did indicate this policy would be a part of the Administration’s forthcoming Fiscal Year 2021 budget that will be released next week. National PTA will examine this policy proposal more closely upon the release of the President’s budget. For more information on National PTA’s stance on vocational and adult education, read our position statement here.

Prayer in Public Schools

The President reiterated his Administration’s commitment to defending religious liberty including the constitutional right to pray in public schools. While there is a constitutionally protected right to prayer in public schools under the First Amendment, the Supreme Court has set forth principles that distinguish impermissible government religious speech from constitutionally protected private religious speech. As outlined in National PTA’s position statement on the Role of Religion in Publicly Funded Educational and Social Services, we support the right of children to pray individually or in groups, to read religious texts, and to discuss their religious views with their peers. However, we believe the free exercise of personal religious speech does not include the right to have a captive audience or to compel other students to participate. National PTA will continue to monitor policy proposals related to the expression of religion in public schools.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The President highlighted that 7 million Americans have come off “food stamps”, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), under this Administration. While a strong economy may be one contributing factor to this exodus, National PTA has been closely monitoring recent regulatory activity related to SNAP. On September 4, 2019, National PTA submitted comments expressing concerns about the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposed rule to revise SNAP and the potential for benefits to be eliminated for millions of families which could jeopardize children’s access to free school breakfast and lunch. As outlined in our child nutrition issue brief in our federal public policy agenda, National PTA works to ensure students in need have access to federal nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.


The President declared that we must also rebuild America’s infrastructure and urged Congress to invest in new roads, bridges and tunnels. However, improvements to school facilities and infrastructure were not included in his remarks. Schools are a critical part of our nation’s infrastructure and it is essential that investments are made to repair, renovate and modernize school facilities to ensure they are safe, healthy and well-equipped to advance student achievement, grow our economy and improve our competitiveness. National PTA has endorsed the Rebuild America’s Schools Act (S. 266/H.R. 865) which will provide federal financial assistance to states and local school districts to provide safe, modern, healthy, energy efficient schools for our students. We are actively working to ensure the bill’s passage or its inclusion in any comprehensive infrastructure package taken up by Congress. For more information on our position, see National PTA’s resolution on improved infrastructure around schools.

Second Amendment

The President reiterated his firm commitment to American’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. As outlined in National PTA’s Gun Safety and Violence Prevention position statement, our association is committed to federal efforts to protect children and youth from gun violence and strongly believes that Congress must enact legislation that will help prevent future tragedies from occurring while preserving the lawful use of firearms for sport and personal protection. National PTA continues to advocate for common sense gun violence prevention policies such as universal background checks, an assault weapons ban and federal funding for comprehensive research of the causes and effects of gun violence.

We are committed to working closely with the Administration and Congress, as we have been throughout our association’s history, to promote educational equity and opportunity for all children so that every child’s potential becomes a reality.

Ohio PTA's Diversity and Inclusion Director on the National PTA Slate!!!!

The National PTA Bylaws allow individuals to self-nominate for these positions. National PTA will send communications regarding that process by March 1. The election will be held during the 2020 National PTA Convention & Expo, June 18-21, in Louisville, Ky.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact NLRC at

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Wednesday, February 12th @ 7 pm / Membership Tips, Tools, and Treats!

Join Ohio PTA President, Ana Chapman and Ohio PTA Membership Chair, Janice Wanko for an informative hour of membership tips, tools, treats, and more! The hour will include a deeper dive into membership topics and strategies from the best practices of Garfield Middle School PTSA along with Ohio and National PTA sharing ideas. 

Those registered by the Monday before the event and who are in attendance on the Zoom Webinar, will be eligible for a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Winner will be drawn at the end of the presentation and must be on when drawing occurs.