DEADLINE EXTENDED! Calling all local PTA leaders: Do you want to make your school a healthier learning environment? Apply now for a $1,000 grant through Action for Healthy Kids to bring nutrition and physical activity programs to your child’s school. Applications are due by April 13. Get more information at
"This is your PTA news source [blog] for deadlines, data, operational options, event reminders, and everything in between," stated Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President [].
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
$1,000 Grant!
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Calling all local PTA leaders: Do you want to make your school a healthier learning environment? Apply now for a $1,000 grant through Action for Healthy Kids to bring nutrition and physical activity programs to your child’s school. Applications are due by April 13. Get more information at

Friday, March 23, 2018
Ohio PTA Receives Grant!
ALEXANDRIA, Va., (March 23, 2018)—National PTA announced today the launch of the Center for Family Engagement, a new initiative to embed transformative family engagement practices, programs and policies across the educational system.
“We know families are essential to children’s success and school improvement efforts. However, traditional family engagement policies and practices do not always meet the needs of each and every family, nor empower them as partners in their child’s success,” said Leslie Boggs, president-elect of National PTA. “As the needs of families change, we must shift the way we think about family engagement. Through our new Center for Family Engagement, we want to move the educational system to the next generation of family engagement by modeling and advocating for more transformative approaches.”
Over the next three years, the Center for Family Engagement will:
- Raise awareness about transformative family engagement by acting as a clearinghouse of innovative approaches, cutting-edge research and best practices that can be put into action.
- Influence transformative family engagement decisions and resources by contributing to a national research agenda on how parent voice shapes family engagementpractices, programs and policies.
- Empower PTAs across the country to be leaders in transformative family engagement efforts through grant and recognition opportunities as well as connections to other leading family engagement organizations.
As part of the launch of the Center for Family Engagement, National PTA also announced today that Ohio PTA, New York State PTA, Minnesota PTA, Tennessee PTA and Oklahoma PTA have been selected to receive a grant through its State PTA Family Engagement Innovation Challenge. With the grant, the state PTAs will identify examples of innovative family engagement practices in their local PTAs and school communities and develop plans to integrate these best practices into statewide efforts and advocacy for family engagement. Among the five PTAs, one will be selected to receive additional funding to implement their plan.
“When it comes to school success, family engagement is just as important as having a great principal and teachers, a strong curriculum and a positive school climate. Transformative family engagement is a key strategy to ensure every child receives a high-quality education and has every opportunity for success,” added President-Elect Boggs. “Family engagement is the foundation of PTA and we are investing in our mission with the Center for Family Engagement.”
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health, and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Heidi May Wilson, National PTA, (703) 518-1242

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
The Ohio PTA Voice March 2018
Convention BOGO deadline approaching quickly...April 1st!

National PTA Statement on Shooting at Great Mills High School
ALEXANDRIA, Va., (March 20, 2018)—The following statement can be attributed to National PTA President Jim Accomando:
“Enough is enough. We have all watched in horror as our country has experienced far too many gun-related tragedies. We need immediate change.
“It is urgent that we work together to enact bipartisan policy solutions and make meaningful changes to keep our children safe. Every student deserves to learn and grow in a safe environment. And no parent should fear for the safety of their child every time they leave home for school.
“It remains a top priority of National PTA to promote safety for children and youth and improve education. National PTA has a strong history of supporting and advocating for policies in the areas of gun safety and violence prevention, juvenile justice, mental health and students’ overall well-being.
“National PTA urges Congress to adopt legislation requiring universal background checks and a license to purchase a firearm, banning military-style assault weapons, and lifting any ban on research that studies the causes and effects of gun violence. National PTA also urges policymakers to prioritize mental health education, early intervention, prevention and access to school and community-based mental health personnel and services.
“National PTA is committed to supporting students, families, schools and communities in coping with and preventing violence. The association offers a variety of resources that can be downloaded at”
About National PTA
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Heidi May Wilson, National PTA, (703) 518-1242

Monday, March 19, 2018
School Grants from Action for Healthy Kids—Made for You
Friday, April 6, 2018 – Applications due
School Grants from Action for Healthy Kids—Made for You
OK, so you’re ready to make change happen at school! Despite wanting to do what’s best for students’ health, many schools lack the necessary resources to implement health and wellness practices that help students eat better and stay physically active. Action for Healthy Kids has provided $7.7 million in grants to schools since 2009 to help them accomplish their student wellness goals.

Grants up to $1,000 are available for K-12 schools in the following states: AL, AR, CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OHIO, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV. Schools with greater than 50% of students eligible for free/reduced-priced meals may receive priority, as well as schools located within 15 miles of an ALDI store, but all schools are encouraged to apply.
Want to learn more? Review the application and application instructions.
How to Apply
- Review the application and application instructions.
- Register for the grant webinar to learn about specific grant details and eligibility requirements and receive helpful tips for applying.
- We recommend you complete a paper application with your school health team prior to submitting your application online. Once the paper application is complete, it will take ~30 minutes to submit online. (No school health team? Learn how to start one or contact for support.)
- Log in or create an account on the Action for Healthy Kids school portal. Applications must be submitted online.
- Once there, connect your account with the school(s) for which you are applying. To do this, click on My Profile, then the Add or Manage Schools button.
- Click on Grants, and select the Parents for Healthy Kids grant. Then, complete your application!
• Monday, February 5, 2018 – School portal opens to accept applications
• Friday, April 6, 2018 – Applications due
• Monday, May 14, 2018 – Award notifications
• Friday, May 25, 2018 – School Terms and Conditions due
• Friday, April 6, 2018 – Applications due
• Monday, May 14, 2018 – Award notifications
• Friday, May 25, 2018 – School Terms and Conditions due
If your school is interested in a School Breakfast or Game On (geared toward school professionals and school health teams for nutrition and physical activity initiatives) grant, visit to learn more.
In case you missed our webinar on applying for Parents for Healthy Kids grants, you can find the recording and slides to help guide your application.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions prior to applying.
Contact your AFHK State Coordinator or
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions prior to applying.
Contact your AFHK State Coordinator or

Sunday, March 18, 2018
Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award
The award will be presented to one state PTA, one district/council/region PTA and one local PTA at the 2018 Annual National PTA Convention and Expo, June 21 – 24, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
Winners Will Receive:
- $1,000 cash award
- 1 Plaque/Trophy
- Honored at the D&I Breakfast at the National PTA Convention
- Honored at the Awards Program at the National PTA Convention
- 2 tickets to the Diversity & Inclusion Breakfast at National PTA Convention
- 2 tickets to the Awards Dinner at National PTA Convention (1 person recognized on stage and individuals must be the same as those attending the breakfast)
- Potential opportunity to be a speaker at the Diversity & Inclusion Breakfast
- Certificates for PTA members named in the application
Who Should Apply?:
- PTAs with proven efforts in welcoming diverse members of their community.
- PTAs who have effectively hosted multicultural events to engage diverse communities.
- PTAs that have been able to recognize and address issues regarding bias, prejudice and misunderstanding to promote diversity and inclusion.
- PTAs who have effectively partnered with community organizations to increase brand awareness of PTA in their community including underrepresented groups.
- PTAs who have made meaningful connections with key members of the community to impact membership and volunteerism.
- PTAs who have increased the diversity of their board.
- PTAs who have had success in diversifying their membership.
- PTAs interested in continuing to grow their initiatives and efforts to expand their outreach.
Instructions - Requirement - Preview:
- Review full application (.PDF) for all criteria and details:
- Preview application form (.PDF)
Ready to Apply?
Once you have gathered all of the components, submit your application online by the deadline of Saturday, March 31, 2018, 8 p.m. EST/5 p.m. PST. Remember to save your narrative document for your records.
Email or call (800) 307-4PTA (4782).

Friday, March 16, 2018
Public School Is What You Make of It
Source: National PTA One Voice Blog
Public Schools Week is March 12-16. Show your support for our nation’s public schools by sharing stories like the one below on how public schools have positively impacted your child’s life using #LovePublicEducation and #PublicSchoolsWeek.
On her first day of kindergarten, I dutifully loaded my precious five-year-old Ashley onto a big yellow bus to head to school. She was thrilled, carrying her new lunchbox and proudly showing off a backpack that was bigger than she was! She looked so small, and so brave, waving from the bus window. My eyes welled up with tears on the walk back to my house. When I walked inside I went straight to the envelope the PTA gave me to open when we attended orientation two days earlier. It said, “Open AFTER Your Child Leaves for School.” It was a bag filled with 3 things: a tissue, a tea bag and a cotton ball. The enclosed note read:
“Thank you for entrusting your child to us. We will do our best every day to keep them safe and help them grow in knowledge. After you have wiped your tears, make yourself a warm cup of tea. Hold the cotton ball in your hand and let it remind you of the gentle spirit of your child. We will be here to partner with you to grow them to their full potential.” The backside of the thoughtful note said, “volunteering in our school is a great way to be near your children.”
They didn’t have to ask me twice! If the doors were open, I wanted to be at the school—whether it was making copies, reading to different classes, playing on the ball field or serving as a lunch monitor. I quickly learned that lots of parents in my community felt the same way I did. There were so many parent volunteers at the school that they had to draw names for folks that chaperoned field trips and worked field day. PTA was booming there! I assumed every school was like that. I quickly learned otherwise.
For reasons too many and far too long ago to recount, my husband and I separated during Ashley’s kindergarten year. Our divorce was final that summer. We didn’t do everything right as divorced parents, but we both committed to ensuring that the girls knew they were loved and that this was not about them. At the beginning of each school year, I sent a note to the girl’s teachers, advising them that they lived with me, but that their Dad was an important and active part of their lives. They were free to contact either of us and were assured that any information given to one parent would be shared with the other parent. Their father and I attended teacher conferences together, and that shared commitment despite our divorce seemed to motivate the girls to excellence.
A couple years later, life changed. I met my husband, Jerry. When we decided to get married he wanted the girls and I to move to his home. That meant leaving the community where all our friends and neighbors were, and worse, it meant leaving the elementary school where the girls were thriving. I researched the school where they would relocate and didn’t see high test scores or graduation rates. There was also no evidence of a parent volunteer presence. I talked with Jerry about my concerns, and he said that if parent involvement was so important, an active PTA should be able to change everything.
He challenged me to practice what I was preaching and after our wedding, I enrolled the girls at their new school for the fall. Ashley was in the second grade, and Katie was beginning kindergarten. I started as a room mom and worked my way up to the President of their PTA. As I formed friendships with other parent volunteers, and the PTA grew in membership, I saw that school truly come to life! Parents filled the halls, and could be seen sporting spirit t-shits at every corner. We made community business partners and raised funds to compliment the learning in the kids’ classrooms. We built an outdoor classroom, supplied microscopes, hired the Chattahoochee Nature center to come do in class field trips about bats, echolocation, stalagmites and stalactites. We even helicopter-landed “Jake the Flying Tiger,” a beloved children’s book character, in for Read Across America week. The change was alive and evident. The results spoke not only in the test scores; the pride was evident in the community surrounding the school.
Both of my girls graduated at the top of their respective classes. While I am very proud of their accomplishments, I am even more proud of the network of love, support and encouragement that saw them through all their years at public school. More than money, that support network makes the biggest difference in the lives of our children.
Lisa-Marie Haygood is a member of the National PTA Legislation Committee.

Friday, March 2, 2018
Ohio PTA Job Positions!
Job Description
Ohio PTA seeks a motivated, self-directed, articulate professional who believes in the mission of PTA. The Executive Director/Office Manager’s role is to manage the day-to-day operations of our central office and support the Board and constituent PTA units. This is a “hands-on” position in the two-person office of a small member-based non-profit organization in Columbus.
· Maintains and manages member database
· Manages correspondence, phone calls, and emails and responds appropriately
· Staffs office
· Contract negotiation for facility and equipment
· Handles employee benefits and work reports
· Supervises Administrative Assistant
· Executive Committee invitee
· Member of the Convention Planning Committee
· Compiles reports for the Executive Committee as requested
· Provides copies for Board and events as needed
· Maintains Board of Directors biographical and statistical information and compiles resources for new board members
· Supports and advises Board of Director Committees
· Maintains and updates website
· Manages all aspects of the Ohio PTA newsletter
· Research, development and marketing for donors and sponsors
· Advises units and refers to appropriate district advisor or director as necessary
· Researches, coordinates and communicates with IRS, Ohio Attorney General and Secretary of State to maintain Ohio PTA and constituent organizations’ legal status as 501c3 nonprofits
· Submits reports and data required for Ohio PTA compliance with National PTA Standards of Affiliation
· Maintains a good working relationship with National PTA officers and staff
· Keeps current on National PTA initiatives through conference calls, emails and
· Represents Ohio PTA with partner organizations at the direction of the president
· Reflections Program judging and administration
· Ohio PTA Convention (exhibitors, hotel contract, convention program)
Structure and Salary
This is a full-time salaried position. Work hours are generally Monday through Friday 8-5 with weekend hours for designated events
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Non-profit management is an asset
- Excellent analytical, organizational and time management skills
- Ability to work independently, unsupervised and make decisions and solve problems effectively and creatively
- Demonstrated success in working as a member of a team and developing effective working relationships with staff, Board members and external partner organizations
- Extensive computer skills including proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, and ability to work with nonprofit databases, website content, social media, email, and internet
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Excellent customer service mentality
- Experience in grant writing and donor/sponsor development is a plus
- Experience in marketing is preferred
Please send a letter of interest and resume to Susan Hans at
Job Description
Ohio PTA seeks a motivated, self-directed, articulate professional who believes in the mission of PTA. The Administrative Assistant’s role is to maintain the day-to-day financial operations of our central office and support the Board and constituent PTA units. This is a “hands-on” position in the two-person office of a small member-based non-profit organization in Columbus.
• Maintains member/financial database (NOAH)
• Responsible for payables and receivables
• Processes Gold Key, Achievement Awards
• Assists with correspondence, phone calls and emails and responds appropriately
• Staffs office on a part-time basis during business hours
• Compiles regular budget and membership reports and other reports for the Board as requested
• Provides copies for Board and events as needed
• Supports and advises the Budget/Investment, and Scholarship Committees
• Facilitates Board of Directors Accommodations
• Responds to unit questions and refers to Executive Director or appropriate district advisor or director as necessary
Annual Projects/Responsibilities
• Administers Helping Hands and Outstanding Educator Awards
• Administers the Scholarship Program
• Ohio PTA Convention registration
Structure and Salary
This is a part-time position for 20-24 hours per week with weekend hours for designated events
• High School Graduate/GED
• Financial administration or bookkeeping experience
• Excellent analytical, organizational and time management skills
• Ability to work independently and make decisions
• Demonstrated success in working as a member of a team and developing effective working relationships with staff and Board members
• Extensive computer skills including proficient in Microsoft Office, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Quick Books and ability to work with nonprofit membership databases, email, and internet
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Excellent customer service mentality
Please send a letter of interest and resume to Susan Hans at
The target start date for the Administrate Assistant is May 14, 2018.

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