Source: National PTA One Voice
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Disclosure: This e-newsletter contains sponsored content from third parties. National PTA does not endorse any commercial entity, product or service.
"This is your PTA news source [blog] for deadlines, data, operational options, event reminders, and everything in between," stated Angela Revay, Ohio PTA President [].
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
PTA Member Benefits Savings

Monday, January 30, 2017
Nomination of U.S. Secretary of Education designee Betsy DeVos update
Sent on behalf of Laura Bay, National PTA President
PTA Leaders,
As you may know, tomorrow January 31, 2017 the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is scheduled to vote on the nomination of U.S Secretary of Education-designee Betsy DeVos. The Committee is holding an executive session beginning at 10:00am ET and Ms. DeVos’ nomination is on the agenda for consideration. You can watch the committee meeting via livestream.
Additionally, I would like to share with you the statements and letters National PTA has either issued or signed onto:
- January 4, 2017 — National PTA Statement on Secretary of Education Confirmation Hearing
- January 9, 2017 - National Coalition for Public Education DeVos Letter
- January 9, 2017 – Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Letter on DeVos
- January 10, 2017 — National PTA Statement on Newly Formed Public Education Caucus
- January 13, 2017 – Open Letter to HELP Committee on DeVos Concerns
- January 24, 2017 – Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Post-DeVos Hearing Letter
- January 30, 2017 – Open Letter to HELP Committee Post-DeVos Hearing

Founders Day 2017
National PTA History
For more than 100 years, National Parent Teacher Association (National PTA®) has worked toward bettering the lives of every child in education, health and safety. Founded in 1897 as the National Congress of Mothers by Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst, National PTA is a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education.
Today’s PTA is a network of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools.
· Legacy · Founders’ Day · Historical Timeline ·
On Feb., 17, 1897, more than 2,000 people—mostly
mothers, but also fathers, teachers, laborers and legislators—attended the first convocation of the National Congress of Mothers in Washington, D.C. Twenty years later, 37 chartered state congresses existed.
In 1970, the National Congress of Parents and Teachers (National PTA) and the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (NCCPT)—founded by
As the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation, National PTA is the conscience of the country for children and youth issues. Through advocacy, as well as family and community education, National PTA has established programs and called for legislation that improves our children’s lives, such as:
- Creation of Kindergarten classes
- Child labor laws
- Public health service
- Hot and healthy lunch programs
- Juvenile justice system
- Mandatory immunization
- Arts in Education
- School Safety
Founders’ Day
Founders’ Day (February 17) is when we celebrate the legacy and work of our founders—Alice McLellan Birney, Phoebe Apperson Hearst and Selena Sloan Butler—to better the lives of every child in education, health and safety. It is a time to reflect and take pride in our achievements, and renew our commitment to be a:
- powerful voice for all children;
- relevant resource for parents; and
- strong advocate for public education.
Our founders represented women of imagination and courage. They had a simple idea—to improve the lives and future of all children. They understood the power of individual action, worked beyond the accepted barriers of their day, and took action to change the world for all children.
Historical Timeline
· 2010-Present · 2000-2009 · 1990-1999 · 1980-1989 · 1970-1979 ·1960-1969 · 1950-1959 · 1940-1949 · 1930-1939 · 1920-1929 ·1910-1919 · 1900-1909 ·

Friday, January 27, 2017
Make Your Spring Fundraiser a Healthy One
It may be winter, but if you are planning your spring fundraiser, why not make it a healthy one your students will love and will raise more money for your school? Learn more about our new interactive fundraising program, the SuperFit School Challenge and email for more information. Register for a webinar taking place on January 11 to learn more.

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Is Your School Prepared for National Reading Month?
Source: National PTA One Voice Blog
March is National Reading Month.
Celebrate with a Family Reading Experience!
In March 2017, thousands of schools will transform their National Reading Month event into a PTA Family Reading Experience – an interactive event that engages the whole family in reading activities.
Let Us Help You Plan an Unforgettable Family Reading Experience!
When families read together, they spark their imaginations, learn important lessons, start difficult conversations and make memories that last forever. National PTA and Kindle believe that family involvement is key to developing students who enjoy reading. That is why both groups are working together to engage families in reading through the PTA Family Reading Experience, a fun family literacy event hosted in schools nationwide.
Watch this slideshow and use the checklist below to help you plan your own event!
When families read together, they spark their imaginations, learn important lessons, start difficult conversations and make memories that last forever. National PTA and Kindle believe that family involvement is key to developing students who enjoy reading. That is why both groups are working together to engage families in reading through the PTA Family Reading Experience, a fun family literacy event hosted in schools nationwide.
Watch this slideshow and use the checklist below to help you plan your own event!
- Choose a date and time that will allow the largest number of families to participate. Reserve an open space or a few classrooms for hosting reading stations. Coordinate with your school administrator to avoid conflicts with other activities.
- Pick a theme, prepare reading station activities and print out take-home tips for parents. You can find options for these ready-made for you at
- Recruit six reading leaders to facilitate station activities. Prepare each leader by sharing station instructions and reviewing your event schedule ahead of time. Be sure each station leader understands the importance of families participating in the activities with their children!
- Invite your whole school community to attend! Send home an invitation using our templates at

Source: National PTA One Voice Blog
On Tuesday, Jan. 17, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos, an education advocate and philanthropist to be the next U.S. Secretary of Education. Members from both sides of the aisle had the opportunity to ask Ms. DeVos questions about her positions and plans for the Department of Education (the Department) should she be nominated. In a statement regarding the announcement of the confirmation hearing, Laura Bay, President of National PTA stated that “we respect the confirmation process and pending her confirmation, we stand ready to work with Ms. DeVos to ensure that the priorities of National PTA are included in the new administration’s education agenda.” National PTA also joined with other leading organizations to express concerns regarding several previous education positions of Ms. DeVos in letters to the committee on Jan. 9 and 13, 2017. During the hearing, many Democrats expressed concern about Ms. DeVos’ previous advocacy efforts on behalf of private school vouchers in addition to her lack of formal experience in the public education sector. Republicans, on the other hand, largely praised Ms. DeVos’ work and were encouraged by the potential opportunity of having a representative outside of the traditional public education sphere to bring different ideas to the Department. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Chairman of the HELP Committee is expected to call for a vote on Ms. DeVos’ nomination on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The vote will likely fall along party lines with all Democrats voting against Ms. DeVos’ confirmation and all Republican Senators voting in favor. The vote will ironically coincide with National School Choice Week which now in its seventh year of advocating for education options. National PTA has a longstanding history of opposing any private school choice system—vouchers, tax credits or deductions—that would divert public school resources. In addition to the diversion of public resources to private schools, National PTA will continue to oppose private school choice systems because many of these programs do not have the same civil rights, protections and services for all students — particularly those with special needs. Furthermore, recent studies confirm that school vouchers do not help students achieve better in school, and in fact, they can lead to lower academic achievement. Learn more about private school vouchers and follow @NationalPTA on Twitter for federal education updates and advocacy efforts. Lindsay Kubatzky is the Government Affairs Coordinator for National PTA. |

Friday, January 20, 2017
Sandy Hook Promise Programs
Programs: Call to Action – Start With Hello Week, February 6 – 10!Sandy Hook Promise’s Start With Hello Week is right around the corner. To date, over 1,250 schools and youth organizations across the country have signed up to bring Start With Hello to their classrooms or communities the week of February 6 – 10.Together these schools and youth organizations will raise collective awareness and teach young people how to reduce social isolation, look out for one another and build more connected and inclusive classrooms, schools and communities.Please take action by bringing Start With Hello Week to a school or youth organization in your community today. Click here for a sample message to send to schools and youth organizations in your community and a sample letter to newspaper editors.If you work at a school or with a youth group, you can also click here and sign up to have your school or group join Start With Hello Week this February 6 – 10.Building Awareness: Your Hopes for 2017!We want to hear from you. How do you plan to take action as a Promise Leader this year? What are your hopes for your community? What would you like to see decision-makers do this year to help prevent gun violence before it’s too late?Please share your hopes with us by clicking here to take the survey.Advocacy: Promise Leader Success Story!Sarah is a young, bright and determined Promise Leader from New York. At 13 years old, Sarah is having her bat mitzvah this month, and as one of the ways that she will mark this important milestone, Sarah decided to lead a call to action to advance gun violence prevention policy with Sandy Hook Promise.Sarah will set up a table at her bat mitzvah reception that allows her guests to learn more about Sandy Hook Promise and take personal action to support Sandy Hook Promise's policy agenda. She has preprinted postcards for her family and friends to sign and send a message to their statehouse in support of pending gun violence restraining order legislation. To raise awareness about gun violence at the national level, Sarah has provided template letters for her loved ones to write to the president-elect, the Senate and the House to urge progress and accountability on gun violence in this new year. She is also encouraging everyone to learn more about Sandy Hook Promise and bring our prevention programs to their communities.We could not be more grateful to Sarah for her action and leadership. She is an inspiration to us all, and we congratulate her on her bat mitzvah this month!Save the Date!
Promise Leader Conference Call:
- Wednesday, January 11 at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT/6 p.m. MT/5 p.m. PT. Find out how you can bring Sandy Hook Promise programs – including Start With Hello Week – to a school or youth organization in your community. Click here to RSVP for tonight's call.
- Wednesday, March 1 at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT/6 p.m. MT/5 p.m. PT. Click here to RSVP. Our topic will be determined by the results of the Promise Leader survey – stay tuned!
Start With Hello Week:
- February 6 – 10:
startwithhelloweek Promise Leader ResourcesFor more information about how you can take action as a Promise Leader:
- Join the Promise Leader private Facebook page
- Email us at promiseleader@ - Share your experiences and successes via the Promise Leader reporting form

Thursday, January 12, 2017
E-Learning Library
E-Learning Library
To access our e-learning courses, you will need an online National PTA profile. For assistance with creating a profile or registering for a course, please read the e-learning registration guide. Also, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements.
Para obtener instrucciones en español sobre cómo crear un perfil e inscribirse para un curso, por favor lea la Guía de inscripción para aprendizaje electrónico.
PTA Essentials
PTA Basics: Discover PTA’s history, structure, programs, and the issues for which it advocates. (approx. 30 min)
Conceptos Basicos de la PTA (PTA Basics in Spanish): Descubra la historia de la PTA, su estructura, sus programas y los asuntos por los que intercede. (aprox. 30 min)
Effective Advocacy for Your Child: Organize around local issues and address them to benefit the needs of children and your community. This course is designed for emerging local leaders, but all are welcome to attend. (approx. 30 min.)
National Standards for Family School Partnerships: Explore how the National Standards for Family School Partnerships creates a framework for engaging families in meaningful ways to support student success. (approx. 30 min.)
PTA Nuts and Bolts Series
Board Basics: Learn the basic governance structures behind most PTA units. (approx. 40 min.)
Conceptos básicos para las juntas (Board Basics in Spanish): Aprenda las estructuras básicas de gobernación detrás de la mayoría de las unidades de la PTA. (approx. 40 min.)
Local Unit President: This course is an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local unit PTA president. (approx. 30 min.)
El presidente de una unidad local (Local Unit President in Spanish): Este curso es un introducción a las funciones y responsabilidades del presidente de una unidad local de la PTA. (approx. 30 min.)
Local Unit Secretary: This course is an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local unit PTA secretary. (approx. 30 min.)
El secretario de la unidad local (Local Unit Secretary in Spanish): Este curso es una introducción a las funciones y responsabilidades del secretario de una unidad local de la PTA. (approx. 30 min.)
Local Unit Treasurer: This course is an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local unit PTA treasurer. (approx. 40 min.)
Membership Basics: This course will provide local PTA members with basic ideas on membership - why you want to grow, how to reach everyone in your community, and what tools you can use to succeed. (approx. 40 min.)
Leadership Enhancement
Creating and Delivering a Speech: Improve your public speaking skills. (approx. 30 min.)
Cultural Competency: Learn cultural awareness and how to build relationships across cultural groups. (approx. 20 min.)
Ethical Leadership: Learn how to accomplish your goals with fairness and integrity. (approx. 20 min.)
Parliamentary Procedure: This course will teach you how rules of conduct positively affect PTA decision-making, while ensuring fair and orderly unit operations. (approx. 30 min.)
Planning Your PTA Year: Learn to keep volunteers motivated by putting an achievable plan together for the year. (approx. 30 min.)
Preventing Theft in Your PTA: This course will teach you how to detect theft in your unit and what to do if you suspect it is happening. (approx. 30 min.)
Reflections Leader Training: Walk through a step-by-step process, gather tools and resources, and learn best practices for encouraging creativity in your school with the National PTA Reflections student arts recognition program. (approx. 30 min.)
Running a Successful Program: Learn the steps for taking a program idea from concept to reality. (approx. 30 min.)
Writing and Proposing PTA Resolutions: Stories from “the field” combined with practical advice make the resolution development and proposal process easy. (approx. 30 min.)
PTA eLearning Micro-Courses
Quick Guide to Taking & Approving Minutes: This course is a brief guide on how to properly take meeting notes for the Local Unit PTA Secretary. (approx. 10-15 min) NEW!
Quick Guide to Budget Basics: This course will provide you with a short guide to specific budgetary duties and responsibilities that are needed to fulfill the requirements of a local PTA. (approx. 10 min) NEW!
Quick Guide to 501(c)(3) Basics: This course will provide you with a brief overview of organizations that are exempt from federal income tax for certain types of income under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), section 501(c)(3). (approx. 10-15 min) NEW!
System Requirements
For optimal viewing experience of our e-learning courses, please use a personal computer that meets the following minimum system requirements:
- Broadband Internet Connection
- Flash Player 10 or later
- Internet Explorer 6 and later, Firefox 1.x and later, Safari 3 and later, Google Chrome, Opera 9.5 and later

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